Anonymous ID: 8a0a38 Aug. 28, 2018, 5:18 p.m. No.2774838   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2773187 (PB)

I don't have any TRULY old dictionaries (divorces are hard on book collections) but I can offer up two.


I want to suggest that other interested anons look up the word "socialism" and pass them along here.

1967 Readers Digest Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

Socialism: Public collective ownership or control of the basic means of production, distribution and exchange, with the avowed aim of operating for use rather than for profit, and of assuring to each member of society an equitable share of goods, services, and welfare benefits.


We already HAVE the equitable sharing of goods and services. If you work, you get paid and if you get paid you can buy stuff. The more your work is worth, the nicer the stuff you can buy. You can precisely gauge how much your work is worth by how much you can hold your employer / customer up for.


1997 The American Heritage College Dictionary:

socialism 1a a social system in which the means of producing and distributing goods are owned collectively and political power is exercised by the whole community. 1b (refers back to those who think 1a is a good idea. See; morons) 2. The building of the material base for communism under the dictatorship of the proletariat in Marxist - Leninist theory.


Oh, my, what a difference 30 years can make, eh?


"Dictatorship of the proletariat" = the idiot next door deciding how much gas you can buy.