Anonymous ID: 0d57af Aug. 28, 2018, 5:54 p.m. No.2775483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5519 >>5538 >>5556


I've been curious about the "spiritual" aspect of all this. This doesn't get touched on much from the Q team, but my whole life I've known there's more than this. This aspect is what confuses me the most, and quite frankly, I feel it's intentional from (((them))).

As I stated, my whole life I have known that there is something wrong here. I didn't, however, start my awakening until 2009. Back then it was very lonely to be "awake".

I spent countless hours researching and reading for a few years. I felt completely helpless. Until you!

I didn't vote for POTUS, I didn't vote at all in 2016, to be honest. Everything I had researched made me feel that there's no changing the evil in the world because too many were sleeping.

Shortly after the election, I had some experiences that I had never had in my entire life. I saw an orb in my living room. It was big, white, and bright and hit an ornament on my tree before disappearing. Shortly after I started seeing orbs, out of no where I started seeing people's auras, started hearing voices/messages, and was even visited in meditation one day from a man with a white beard and hair. He had a whole congregation of people behind him and he told me (which I feel I heard audibly) "they teach where they are at". I met my "spirit guide", etc.


Again, these were completely new experiences for me.


I went through a huge emotional rollercoaster and upon demanding the energies around me to seize if they didn't have my best interest at heart. I claimed the sovereignty of my soul. And no shit - POOF - they were gone. I still see auras randomly, but the orbs, voices, messages, my spirit guide - GONE.


This evil is deep. The manipulation is deep. This isn't even half my story - but I guess I just want confirmation that evil goes THAT deep.


I came across you in March. I was a little rusty in my knowledge due to just trying to live life the best I could. I feel in my HEART this is what I'm here for. This is why I've felt that way my whole life. Thank you for your assistance in waking up the world. We have hope! I have hope! Winning!!!


P.s. POTUS has my vote 2020

P.s.s. are we truly creators with our thoughts??