Anonymous ID: 2be4c5 Aug. 28, 2018, 6:13 p.m. No.2775833   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shitposting, but this pic is worth the bread space. It marks a defining moment in America's history. Remember when the fake NY times and fake-ass CNN tried to say that the place was empty…when our amazing and blessed POTUS took his famous walk to address the nation? This was the moment that fear gripped the cabal.


Q post # 1965 today if my favorite of them all: "dead and/or suffering"… No Name was one of the most egregious offenders. The White Hats certainly aren't fucking around. They didn't give him much time at all. Loved it. All of them should get the same ultimatum…Die a dignified (premature) death by suicide or be publicly exposed, arrested, humiliated, and sent to GITMO.