Anonymous ID: 7db52f Aug. 28, 2018, 5:45 p.m. No.2775303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5341 >>5377 >>5387 >>5761

Hey QResearch folks, and others that follow Q drops and things like that.


I used to follow this stuff closely. Not so much lately, with all kinds of things going on world-wide, within our government, on 'news' sites, culture wise (and even IRL). It's just too much. But today I went to, or .app, or whatever my bookmark links to. Q posted some links to twitter, and upon clicking them I saw a lot of Q!!!!1! comments. YouTube videos the same. It's nice that there are enthusiastic and freedom loving patriots about.


But here's the deal: After being away for a while and coming back, when I saw the comments, from an outsider's view, it looks like the bus from Crazy-Town came by and dropped off a whole load of passengers. Perhaps this is lost on the overly enthusiastic people involved. Perhaps there are anti-Trump folks making pro-Q over the top comments to intentionally make everyone else look weird by association. I don't know, but I suggest Dialing It Back A Notch if it's some of y'all here.


Also, even though it really need not be stated, I have to suggest that if anyone ever suggests taking violent action, or even mean/impolite action against people IRL (EVEN IF IT LOOKS LIKE Q IS SAYING TO DO IT) that nobody crosses that line. It does not help. It will be spun to anyone that will listen in the most negative light imaginable. Sheep might do that, like the brain-drained black mask wearing fools. We're better than that. Perhaps this point has been well established here since the last time I visited, but still.


Happy researching and free thinking to you all. Please vote MAGA in November if you are able.

-just a random dude that thinks this is the most interesting time he's ever seen.