Anonymous ID: 1d1e94 Aug. 28, 2018, 6:38 p.m. No.2776238   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2775283 (pb)

keyword here is "temporary" folks… this case having the meaning one way or another, (((they))) have a plan in formation….NOT to be mistaken as meaning (((they))) haven't already begun "running to high ground in the flood from the storm…..god I love how our terminology just rolls off the tongue/fingertips, kek. What's the average elevation in Israel? I'm curious because I am quite sure (((they))) may have at one time had some pretty decent plans to squash any form of possible danger to (((their))) exposure, but also damn sure (((they))) didn't expect anything this big and certainly not this long…after all, time is money, hence why (((they))) took their time and built this up against We the People. Glorious to know we are in control. My 2 cents.