Anonymous ID: a0109b Aug. 28, 2018, 6:48 p.m. No.2776444   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Regarding the brainwashed by MSM, it is frighteningly strong. I had happen to be in a business that provides me the opportunity to speak with people from all different walks of life. Had a guy today that was just totally brainwashed, he was going on and on about how he was so convinced cops just want to kill people including him, that our country sucks and there is no hope for humanity. It just so happened there was a plain clothes off duty cop in the same room who piped up. We both tried to lovingly and gently red pill him, but he was so far gone.


I finally left it as he needs to think of it like a tuning fork. These people are so tuned into that brainwashed fear porn frequency, that that is all they see and truly believe. I invited him to try changing his frequency one day to tune into what else is out there and that he'd see the world is not as bad as he thinks it is, but I don't think he'll EVER take me up on the invite, too far gone. How the hell are we supposed to help people like that?