Anonymous ID: afec1a Aug. 28, 2018, 7:04 p.m. No.2776711   🗄️.is 🔗kun



In the Talmud, it is written

That Jesus Christ is the son

Of a Roman soldier and a whore.

It is true!

Julius Caesar was the soldier

Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt was the whore

Jesus was fostered out to a carpenter's family

In far-off Judea for his safety

When he came of age, he traveled east

All the way to Northern India where he studied

Hinduism and Buddhism

Then he returned to Judea where he married

Mary Magdalen of the tribe of Benjamin

This tribe was the first that held the kingship

Of the Israelites.

He had a child with Mary

And after his ordeal on the cross

She opened his tomb where he had awakened

From his deep meditation.

They said their goodbyes

And Isa, as he was called, returned to India

Where he ended his days in the temple

Where he originally studied

Joseph of Arimathea

Took charge of the child, whose father was Jesus

And whose mother was of the royal line of the Israelites

And carried the child to the west

To southern Gaul

And eventually to Britannia

To Ynis Wytrin, the Isle of Glass

An island that rose sharply from a lake

In the West country

There he built a tower

Now called Glastonbury Tor.

The child gave birth to the Merovingian line of kins

The rightful monarchs who rule the world

By the divine right of God.

They are our masters

We are their sheep.