Anonymous ID: c9a778 Aug. 28, 2018, 6:43 p.m. No.2776332   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When this is all over…and the dust settles. Can we have a national moment of silence and prayer. One designated day and time…nobody moves or works unless you are emergency services etc. Like the boss man, makes all tv's stations and radio and media to cover him, and he gives praise and thanks to all the patriots that gave the ultimate selfless sacrifice for gods chosen people (us/we) during this Ultimate World War and he re-affirms our covenant with god. Thanks him for sending us soldier-saints to defend his annointed nation. Yeah that would be awesome…. only way I want to win this. It has to be this way IMHO…we can't let this happen again. We wont get another chance.


Thank you.