Anonymous ID: ed9098 Aug. 28, 2018, 6:46 p.m. No.2776392   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Updated stuff from earlier today due to Q's recent Rothschild / Nazi / WWII posts.


Bill Cooper has almost 3 hours of stuff on Nazi occultism. Start here:




I think Q is saying that the Nazi leadership was part of the luciferian cabal and that part of the leadership (or the occultists and bloodline families behind them) did survive the war. WWII itself can be seen as a Mafia blood feud which sucked in a lot of innocent bystanders. The feud was over which bloodlines would run the luciferian world government. Prophecy cannot be thwarted, but there can be different interpretations of it.


I think Q and Bill Cooper would both say that Hitler rebelled against the Rothschilds but that doesn't make him /ourguy/.


Here's the deal. The Rothschilds were willing to throw their own people under the bus to further their agenda. It worked very well. They scared a bunch of Jews into Israel, established a giant bug-out pad for their crime syndicate, set the prophetic Doomsday countdown, created a Hegelian dialectic, and created the narrative which led hundreds of millions of white people to join the Cultural Marxist suicide cult. The broad outline of this was planned before WWI. Sometimes the best puppet is one who genuinely believes in a cause. Hitler persisted with the cause even after he screwed the Rothschilds by nationalizing the banking system and issuing non-interest money. The Nazis' economic boom was due to them throwing off the parasites while also taking money from some Nazi-sympathizing American crime families like the Rockefellers and the Bushes.


The Red Symphony shows another interesting angle. I have barely touched it but it looks like the point is that Trotsky was supposed to take power after Lenin's death. Something went wrong and Stalin seized power instead. Stalin was a Commie but he was also a nationalist, and he had a dim view of the Rothschilds' degenerate social engineering projects, so he had to go. Stalin quickly purged the Trotskyites and replaced them with his own people so a simple assassination would be likely to achieve little, if it was even possible. The best way to get rid of Stalin was to build up Hitler, while simultaneously arranging his fall.


The fact that the Rothschilds took Hitler's lemons and made lemonade is a testament to the power of the puppetmasters' thousands of years of selective breeding for sociopathy + intelligence. Now look how they are selectively breeding us for idiocy and dependency. They are trying to turn us into a permanent slave race. Eugenics works… both ways. This was probably reason why the Nazis had to be destroyed. Eugenics had to become a taboo subject because it is one of the Cabal's most powerful weapons! I would rank it right up there with fiat currency, pedo blackmail, split personality mind control, and whatever occult meme magic mindfuckery they are up to.


As for the Vatican: The Jesuits might have been complicit with the Holocaust and arranged it as a giant sacrifice to Moloch! https:// (trigger warning: Requires the holocaust to be real)