Anonymous ID: 75a695 911WTC toxin exposure DEATHS Aug. 28, 2018, 7:24 p.m. No.2777073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7118 >>7140

911WTC toxin exposure DEATHS

some on this board dont think the 911 issues are a priority ???

saying Q & potus teams will get to 911WTC when they can … meanwhile thousands suffer w/ illness, are dying and NOT BEING CARED FOR - the 911WTC treatment programs are a joke on us all, and a big gig for BIG CORRUPT PHARMA who is getting ALL THE FUNDS while the 911WTC police fire rescue workers volunteers are becoming HOMELESS & DYING … and its ALL PREVENTABLE. … so yeh let 911WTC slide by whenever is convient … just like the VETS get treated … apply deny reappy redeny reapply reapply wait til WE DIE. 911WTC IS STILL HAPPENING ALL AROUND US … prayers for TRUTH [BUSHES] pls .. HELP US !!! 911DUST Healing JOURNEY 911DUST & DECEIT HELP US PLEASE !!!

Anonymous ID: 75a695 Aug. 28, 2018, 7:39 p.m. No.2777367   🗄️.is 🔗kun


THANK YOU !!! WE R SUFFERING DYING !!! and we r also the SMOKING GUN as we hv RADIATION POISONING ! and we hv mitochondrial diseases like gulf war vets … WE NEED HELP we hv been ignored for 17 years !!! Q TIME !!! thx u for acknowledgement. its very lonely to live from bed after volunteering at 911WTC Ground Zero … prayers for truth