Anonymous ID: b4f6d4 Aug. 28, 2018, 7:28 p.m. No.2777160   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q / Q Team,


BLUF: NGA head (Cardillo) is ex-Obama PDB man prior to taking over for Clapper at NGA (yes, that Clapper). Cardillo is friends with Bobby knight….who is friends with POTUS; I hope Cardillo isn't a deep state guy being kept in place because they share a mutual friend. Using logic…I think you would be on top of this if he was an involved.


Background on Knight and Cardillo:


"The back story of how Bobby Knight ended up as a guest speaker at the little-known spy agency dates to the 1960s, when he was the young head coach of the Army men’s basketball team at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.


Then in his 20s, Knight struck up a friendship with Capt. Richard Cardillo, the officer liaison to the basketball team. The coach babysat for the captain’s two sons and let one of them, Robert, serve as a team ballboy.


On the bench, Robert Cardillo would often sit next to the Army point guard, Mike Krzyzewski. After Knight and Krzyzewski moved on to coaching stardom at Indiana University and Duke University, respectively, Cardillo spent his summers working at their basketball camps.


As a young man, Cardillo became an intelligence analyst for the federal government and gradually rose through the executive ranks. In October 2014, he took over as NGA chief. Knight attended his swearing-in ceremony as an honored guest. "


Sauce: https://


I know you can't answer to this most likely, but I want it out there, because I found this a little weird and love our POTUS…