Anonymous ID: e98345 Aug. 28, 2018, 7:22 p.m. No.2777042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7066

To all you sick and twisted psychopaths that betray the very essence of what it means to be Human: Know that your days are numbered. You all should know, from the histories you so desire to burn, what happens to oppressors when the people are given knowledge and the tools to share it. Those that trade the lives of the innocent for money and power have no place on God's Earth. The insidious false thrones you have built upon the very bones of your fellow man and woman will scatter as ash in the winds of change you see creeping ever closer, and the blood of those crushed upon the millstones of your infernal machinations will drown you utterly. This storm is upon you, regardless of your witless, blubbering protestations. In your gluttonous stupor you're ill-prepared to handle the fury that will be unleashed by the masses. It the most reward you will ever receive, and more than you deserve- to be looked upon by the world with bloody eyes and fiery hearts before you and your petty empires are erased from existence.


We are the Light. We wield the Truth. We have the Power.


And we see you now…