Anonymous ID: 0c193b Aug. 28, 2018, 8:15 p.m. No.2777964   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Reviewing Archived Wills

Step 1

Ask the court clerk where archived wills are stored in your county. Go there with the identifying information about the deceased.


Step 2

Determine the appropriate procedure for locating the archived will. In some jurisdictions, the clerk locates the will for you using the information you provide. Alternatively, the clerk may send you to an index – either alphabetical or by date – and you access the information for yourself.


Step 3

Review the archived will. Many courts keep original wills from many years back in binders organized by date, but newer wills will likely be in microfilm. Request copies of the will to review more carefully at home. The court charges a small per-page fee, or directs you to a self-service copier.


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