anonymous ID: 77762a Aug. 28, 2018, 8:16 p.m. No.2777975   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8143

Saturday when no name came on as gone away to hell forever, I was watching OAN, one america news, and they came on live with a live shot of Arizona and they said it was a live shot of the funeral procession. I thought hmmm, that is strange, he just died. They showed a bunch of AZ State Trooper vehicles and cars getting in line and going somewhere. Then they went to commercial. I know that I saw that but I was not recording and I have not found it on utuber or twatter. Was anyone by chance recording OAN on Saturday evening. I just wonder what the hell was going on with that. Any other eyeballs witness that??? Q did you see that? It was very strange.