good evening anons. been following the breads all day and what a day it's been! Thank you Q for dropping so much for us today!
i don't normally share strange happenings like this, but last night I had one of the most vivid dreams I've had in a while. I dreamed I was hanging out with POTUS in his office (not the Oval office) and we were just having a nice little chat, like we had been friends for a while. He was telling me a sweet story about when he and Melania first met (for the life of me, I tried to remember the story when I woke up but couldn't). Then Melania came in to say hello and that was the end of the dream. But it was so real I felt like I had just left his office.
When I woke up this morning and went on Twitter, the first thing I saw under Trends was a pic of POTUS and then "I have a dream". It was a bit unnerving.
I'm sure it's only a byproduct of always being on the boards before bedtime, but the experience stayed with me all day. Has anyone else had any similarly strange experience?