Anonymous ID: f5b9dd Aug. 28, 2018, 9:15 p.m. No.2778854   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Ego death is necessary so you can move past the forced control systems. Learn to shut down negative thought before it takes hold and PROJECT positivity.


The notion that the absolute destruction of the Ego is in any way an improvement, or ideal, is just as evil, destructive, batshit insane as the notion that the absolute supremacy of the Ego is an improvement, the ideal.


Everything "you" typed is a product of your consciousness as it both reacts and acts...that is Ego driven. Driver.


Know how I know?


It would otherwise sanction, indeed call for....invoke?...the worst evil anyone can imagine. It isn't self-Ego is causing the deaths of other Egos because of a psychological projection of yourselves as evil incarnate?


These are the evil bastards Q is taking down. This evil has grown very strong and was close to destroying America, and Middle East, in a final nuclear world war that eradicates billions worldwide and this evil organization declares itself the only legitimate state left in the world?


Was there going to be an MS-13 / Antifa country infiltration to install fear in the population and preventing them from speaking in public about this?


Accuse others of being the very nazis they themselves are?