>>2779677 (pb&Q)
>What if a paper-trail exists…
Wasn't Weiner supposedly given the e-mails to print out for Huma at the request of HRC?
>PDB via No Such Agency?
President's Daily Briefing…
>HUSSEIN made aware w/ no action?
You say that like he wasn't involved and just getting status reports…
>Why did POTUS refuse 'select' PDBs during transition?
Fruit of the Poisoned Tree?
>Who knew?
Adm Rogers?
>Threat assessment.
-calculating intensifies-
>Adm Rogers?
I really should read these before answering but WHAT FUN IS THAT?!
Love that guy.
>Why did HUSSEIN + HRC + ADMIN + Staff + … use private emails to communicate?
>Was HRC the only one to use unsecured server(s)?
Oh heavens no. Everyone had dirt on everyone and I'm sure that to join "the party" you had to play the game and submit as told.
>If access was granted re: HRC private server(s) can you assume access was granted re: House server(s) re: AWAN?
Aaaaand we're back to George Webb, Eric Braverman, David Brock, and all that loveliness.
>AWAN>Pakistani Intelligence?
They all "Answer to Allah", anyway, right?
All of them?
>Huma>Muslim Brotherhood?
Aaaah… the things she'd do (with the Clintons and whomever they passed her on to) for Allah…
>Matters of NAT SEC.
Y'don't say… Oh yeah, like those Gag Orders. They used to be so prevalent… whatever happened to those?