Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:06 p.m. No.2779772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9813 >>9820 >>9838 >>9846 >>9958 >>0054 >>0095 >>0170 >>0243


Ok, guys.. I've been studying looking into this cult stuff since Pizzagate/Spirit cooking. It looks like this cult follows the pantheon of ancient mystery gods from Canaan, Egypt, Rome and Babylon.


We see Egyptology symbolism strongly and who could forget the Arch of Baal going up in NYC and London. There's also a lot of reference to roman/greek gods.


The point is that these gods follow the same pattern. A supreme god and his wife has their son (amongst other children). The Son is usually a symbol of fertility in the land. Also depicted as holding a lightning bolt. Think agriculture. Harvest festivals. God of the EARTH. Also depicted as holding a lightning bolt. Don't get caught up on the specific pantheon of gods. They're all the same, just named differently dependent on the region and time, the names change. Same deities, different names


Canaan - El + Ashera Baal, Molech


Egyptian - Ra + Hathor Osiris, Remphan


Roman - Saturn + Opis Jupiter, (could have adopted molech from Carthage. Roman historians recorded a idol to Molech there)


Also, if you look into Islam, you'll see a similarity between their single God, but also the feminine Kabba stone. Allah and God are not the same Deity. Islam is Babylonian in origin. goes into it a bit deeper The Talmud is also Babylonian in origin


Human and infant sacrifice was a common practice amongst these people. Cannibalism was also known to be practiced in some cases (we'll get back to that).


the spirit cooking itself looks to be a form of divination going back to these religions. Think Oracle of Delphi. These practices survived through word of mouth and were eventually recorded in the Zohar. It's known as Kabbalah.


Although Hebrew there's a sect of Islam that practices Kabbalah. You have heard of Shia and Sunni, but not much mention to Sufism -


more -


Sufi islam is big in Turkey and Pakistan, among other places. You'll notice a theme or symbol of them popping out one of their eyes.

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:08 p.m. No.2779813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9820 >>9821 >>0032 >>0054 >>0103 >>0170 >>0253



Ra speaks Kabbalah -


Hermetic Pentagram Kabbalah -


Notice the shrine in the Corner like Marina's sprit cooking? (Islam's Kabba stone is in the corner of the black cube) -


Aleister Crowley used a form of Kabbalah -


He was a member of this group that practices Kabbalistic rituals -


Kabbalah is really popular among celebrities (they wear red bracelets)


Although practiced underground the British Royalty allowed it to be practiced in the 16th century under Queen Elizabeth


It's also practiced by freemasons -


Which explains while they call freemasonry “The craft”.


Keystone, masons and Hexagram -


Freemasons still loyal to the Throne -


Kabbalah uses a system of numerology called Gematria -


more -


ex IMF chief Chritsine Le gard's numerology -


In (some) later beliefs Ba'al and El were merged into the same deity.

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:09 p.m. No.2779821   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9835 >>0054 >>0170



Also, into spirit cooking practices.. many know of Voodoo, but what most people don't know is that there's a mystical practice of Voodoo specifically designed around mixing human fluids, Hoodoo.


almost identical to spirit cooking -  “As in many other spiritual and medical folk practices, extensive use is made of herbs, minerals, parts of animals' bodies, an individual's possessions and bodily fluids, especially menstrual blood, urine, saliva, and semen.”


speaking of ingesting things human and ancient egypt


Cannibalism – Hymn of the Cannibal (ancient Egypt) -


Corpse medicine (Medicinal Cannibalism) - “The Romans, the ancient Egyptians and even King Charles II from 17th century England reportedly engaged in this practice”


Still a thing in China -


And -


Think it isn't an agenda? -


Just art, i'm sure -


Narco cartels and cannibalism -


Narco cartels worship Santa Muerta -


Alleged NXIVM cult member and recent suicide -



Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:10 p.m. No.2779835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9910 >>0054 >>0170



Going back to babylon, The original story of Babylon and the Tower. Could it be a blueprint for centralizing power internationally? (I'm not a fan of GB or this Rabbi, but what they're saying in this video seems to be on point.). Bricks and mortar. People interacting through Trade. Could also be nations interacting through Trade.


Scroll down to the EU propaganda poster. The people are like boxed, like bricks. The baby hasn't been indoctrinated yet. Many tongues, one voice. Similar to to “many tongues, one nation” of Babylon.


Many pictures of Nimrod hunting Lions. Pay Attention Christbros -


Catholic bros. Vatican II declares Muslims, who we've already found worship an ancient sumerian/babylonian deity, as worshiping the One God in Nostra Aetate! -


“The Church regards Muslims with esteem: they adore the one God, living and enduring, the all-powerful Creator of heaven and earth who has spoken to people; they strive to obey wholeheartedly His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham did, to whose faith they happily link their own.”


^ This is the Heresy that overtly comped the Church and is being played out (by design, i'm sure). If Muslims don't recognize Jesus as Messiah and their lineage goes to Sumeria/Babylon, then the Church declaring their God as being the same as the Church's God can only mean that God has been swapped out by Ba'al. Eventhough Jesus rejected Ba'al's offer to worship him, it appears that the followers of ba'al incorporated him into their faith anyway. Why the New Testament makes it very clear that Jesus was messiah. These guys are Ba'alites

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:13 p.m. No.2779871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9890 >>9893


actually, yeah.. i'm done with this. Dropping what i got and taking off.


Q needs to stop with this ominous posting about history and organizations and leaving out certain massive pieces of this puzzle.


i'm going back to /pol


That's the Cult. Do what you want with the info

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:26 p.m. No.2780004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0245



This is really Enochian… it mentions lilith in an Enochian worldview but she was a feminine intermediary in several ancient religions and a symbol of fertility (not having babies, just sex).


With the advent of Kabbalah in the 16-17th century Lilith is taught as Adams first wife who rebelled against God's order and joined satan.


In that worldview it's required that there be duality.


A right and left hand path.





this is supposed to keep everything in balance. Jesus is right hand path, satan is left hand. They worship satan but with the belief that it must be done to keep some cosmic balance. That's how they justify doing what they do without it being objectively evil in their eyes.

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:30 p.m. No.2780054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0059 >>0170










One of Q's posts stated to read the Bible. I took that as “get your act together with God” but after researching a bit on this I decided to take another look at it, keeping in mind what we know about the Kabbalah Cult.


This is as quick of a rundown as you can get with… the Bible. Get Cozy and hear me out. We're starting from the beginning.


Also, it's important to remember in the ancient world deities that they may have different names, but they're the same Pantheon-Structure. For example, Jupiter and Zeus are the same gods, just for different people. That happens a lot and it can get confusing.


Honestly, the earliest I can find any reference to what the cult represents is the story of Cain and Abel. Right from the start we've got 2 brothers. Now, Each brother presents a sacrifice to God. One Flesh/Blood, the other Grain/Harvest. This is going to be a continuing theme throughout ALL of scripture. Flesh/Blood killed by Grain/Harvest. We know that God the Father is the God of the Flesh/Blood sacrifice.


In ANCIENT hebrew the word for God was “El”, or Lord. God never gave a name so it would be safe to presume that they both referred to God as El.


This is why God differentiated himself from El (The one with dominion) by calling himself “Elohim” or, “one who has dominion of all things”


We know how the story goes, Cain (Harvest) kills Abel (Flesh/Blood) and then is banished and the world goes into darkness and Evil.


It would be safe to say that Cain continued the practice of a Grain/Harvest god named “El” in his time to other people, meanwhile God is disconnected because His first patriarch was killed and now the usurper is preaching about God falsely…


By the time Abraham comes the world follows the Ancient Religions, largely following earthly cycles and sacrificing to “El” for good crop yields. Turning their back on this faith would literally be viewed as biting the hand that feeds them.


Abraham is taken away into seclusion where God reveals himself and demands a Flesh/Blood sacrifice. Think Abel 2.0.


The two ideas of God could possibly then coalesce as Melchizedek offers an offering of Bread and Wine. It would appear at first glance that the Harvest/Grain camp would take this as a sign of vindication for “El” having dominion (oh the irony). As we know NOW bread/wine are the accidentals of Flesh/Blood for God's sacrifice.

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:31 p.m. No.2780059   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0067 >>0170



We know that Canaan was a very wicked place and God had a good chunk destroyed with Sodom and Gammorah. We know that “El” was an ancient Canaanite deity.


Abraham's decendents move to Egypt where they end up doing very well with God's help. And that's how Genesis ends.


Moving forward, Things got bad for their descendents in Egypt and they ended up becoming captives in a land that was given to them. Sound familiar?


It would be safe to assume at this point that, upon the Exodus, many of the Israelites might have been confused about God, considering he hadn't revealed himself via Moses and the Levitical law. They could have assumed that God and El were one-in-the-same which was why God was so specific with the 10 commandments and the following Levitical law.


We know that the Golden calf they were worshipping at the Bottom was Remphan. They probably were trying to pay homage to God, thinking it was El. Moses then corrected them when he came back down. Some still were insisting they were the same or trying to work El into the covenant. That was when God swallowed them up.


It was at THIS POINT where the oral torah is said to have begun. Jesus Christ referred to the oral torah as “Teachings of the elders,” and said that it's followers were children of the Devil. This is why you see so much egyptology mixed in with the cult. It has a pseudo-egyptian origin.


Not only did God swallow up the people who defied Moses, but he then had the rest wander for a generation to let a good bulk of them die. He didn't want his new nation to co-opt their teachings, so in allowing this, He attempted to kill off a good chunk of the “oral torah” teaching.


He also was very specific about not letting anyone in the ancient land of Canaan live. They were worshipping El, among other God's, and had really wicked practices (See the presentation above for a look). We know that not all of them died, seeing as they were still alive later in Scripture. It would be safe to say that, not only was God trying to wipe out El's worshippers and keep them from polluting his covenant, but he was also using foresight and saw what trouble they would be for His people, His Son, and… well… US.

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:32 p.m. No.2780067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0084 >>0170



It was around this time, a little later, that war had broken out with the philistines. Their chief god was Dagon. Who, was a god of the Harvest.. Once again we see Harvest/Grain trying to kill Flesh/Blood.


Dagan was the Hebrew and Ugaritic common noun for “grain,” and the god Dagan was the legendary inventor of the plow. His cult is attested as early as about 2500 bc, and, according to texts found at Ras Shamra (ancient Ugarit), he was the father of the god Baal.


Also, on Ba'al - As such, Baal designated the universal god of fertility, and in that capacity his title was Prince, Lord of the Earth. He was also called the Lord of Rain and Dew, the two forms of moisture that were indispensable for fertile soil in Canaan.


Fast Facts:

Pronunciation: Bail or bal

Origin: Canaan, Phoenicia

Role: Fertility, sun and storms

Symbols: Lightning bolt, bull horns

Parents: El and Asherah


Other Harvest Gods (remember, same god, different name)


Indra – Hindu god of rain and storms – depicted as holding a lightning bolt. First day of the Hindu harvest festival honors him to this day.

Zeus – Greek god of Rain and Storms – depicted as holding a lightning bolt

Thor – Norse god of Storms – depicted as holding a lightning bolt

Jupiter – Roman God of storms – depcited as holding a lightning bolt

Enlil – Sumarian and Mesopotamian god of storms – depicted as holding a lightnig bolt.


All gods listed above are considered chief of all gods withing their religion, although some have a feminine aspect that is responsible for harvests. The two usually being worshipped in ancient times in pairs. Some are also gods of the underworld or “Abyss” as it was referred to in ancient times. Certain aspects vary but the main god in control of the weather (which is what you'd want for grain/harvest) remains the same.


Ba'al – Synonymous with storms and lightning - “I beheld satan as Lightning from heaven”,


Satan says to Jesus “Worship me and all the nations will be yours”.. He's literally the chief god of every nation at that point (see above). If Jesus claimed to be messiah of him, he could have walked into anywhere and they would have welcomed him.


And - Baal. "The name of many deities of the Semitic peoples" [Klein], late 14c., Biblical use is from Hebrew Ba'al, literally "owner, master, lord," from ba'al "he took possession of," also "he married;" related to Akkadian Belu (source of Hebrew Bel), name of Marduk.


“owner, Master, lord,” = El. = God of the Harvest = Cain's God.

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:33 p.m. No.2780084   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0090 >>0170



Saul lost his Governorship of Israel by allowing Amalekites to live. The prophet in his time was Samuel, who was enraged when he saw it. He took Saul's sword and cut down the chief of the Amalekites, in adhering to God's instructions.


David was then made King. Now, it would be safe to say that the cult was around in his time and had considerable influence throughout society considering a good bulk of the Psalms were written by David and they were all about enemies surrounding him, trying to usurp him, and scheming. David was the only monotheistic King of Israel.


His son Solomon eventually allowed sacrifices to El (referred to in scripture as “Pagan sacrifices”) on his Altars. God then punished him. Every other King after Solomon allowed this to happen and eventually they lost stewardship of whole Israel and the age Kings ended. The people were in darkness.


We know in Jeremiah that the prophets were split and God was upset with half of them. It seems that they were divided on what was allowed and what wasn't. We know they were sacrificing Children to Moloch and that was the chief reason for God allowing them to go into the Babylonian Captivity. It was here that the teachings of the Talmud were solidified into one coherent practice/theology. While God had the Temple, Scripture and Prophets. El had the money and the culture. Again, Sound familiar?


Just to sum up a bit so far. We have Noah, Moses, Samuel, David, Jeremiah and Daniel… The people were divided between these 2 camps from the beginning and each time God affirmed himself through his Prophets and Chastised the followers of El that were permeating through His people.

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:34 p.m. No.2780090   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0097 >>0170


It should be safe to assume that by the time Jesus had been born the camp of El were in charge of Israel and the Temple. This is why Jesus wasn't received. God, yet again, was affirming his law. We know that ¼ of Jesus' miracles were banishing demons (divination/Kabbalah type practices from the old world). The followers of El had slithered in and co-opted the entire nation/temple and people allowed it for 2 reasons -


  1. They used El's name/title as a smokescreen for confusion, because -

  2. They wanted to follow El since earthly pleasures and wealth were permissible under that theology. Similar to some people trying to merge Christianity with other religions and then allow all kinds of degeneracy. This has been happening for a long time, it seems… since the beginning.



Remember Solomon, before he caved, “There's nothing new under the sun”


Jesus wasn't a priest by standards of the Levitical law. He wasn't from the Tribe of Levi. He was Judah. But, by order of Melchizedek (from the beginning, with the Bread/Wine) He was Preist, Prophet and King. Little did the disciples of Ba'al/El/Dagan know that he was foreshadowing the Flesh/Blood Sacrifice, affirming Abel's sacrifice, and completing the intention, by Jesus' blessing the Bread/Wine and serving it as His Body/Blood. In that act, He turned their world upside-down.


Just a thought… If Christians Turn Bread/Wine into Flesh and blood as a sacrifice to God… And Ba'al reciprocates God in what he does, Wouldn't it be safe to assume that their ritual involves turning Flesh and Blood into Bread for their Grain God, Ba'al? Hence, Satanism. They didn't know in the past that their god was the devil. They worshipped “El” as the same god as Elohim (Yahweh). Jesus and the church made it very clear they were vastly different.

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:34 p.m. No.2780097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0100 >>0170


Another Aspect of these ancient world cult/religions is the idea of a feminine and fertility. Fertility doesn't necessarily mean having children. In the ancient world it was just about Sex. These feminine intermediaries usually had idols.


Diana, for example, had a black meteor.


Now, look at how this cult mirror's or acts as an antithesis to Christianity/Catholicism/Orthodox in reference to female intermediary-types.


In Christianity the female who brings the Lord forward is a virgin woman. In Catholicism its asserted that she was/is a perpetual virgin and she was assumed into heaven, not left to die (No remains here to venerate).


In this Cult the femenine intermediary is an Idol (still of this world) who is a sex symbol and the men of the faith, in some way, engage in sexual relations with her.


In Mecca, they do the Haj and walk around the Kabbah stone. Each man then has to touch it. The black stone is cast in silver and made into the shape of a vagina. It's in the Corner of the cube (like the spirit cooking/kabbalah rituals.)


Judaism, being a continuation of the worshippers of El, have a feminine intermediary idol also. The wailing wall. It's a feminine idol where the men gather to thrust their hips back and forth as if fornicating with it. Yeah… El is a literal cuck.


*. In Christianity there is only one sacrifice of Flesh and Blood. Catholics and Orthodox believe it is a propitiary sacrifice. Meaning, the sacrifice on the altars on the sabbath is the same sacrifice and the same lamb, just done at different times.


In Islam the Sacrifice is…. still Grain/Harvest. EID is a harvest festival where the Ashura meal is served to atone for sins.


In Judaism its… you guessed it, Grain/Harvest. Yom Kippur is a day of fast before Sukot. A grain harvest.


*. In Christianity the liturgical year is followed. It's lopsided with feast days falling on events in the life of the Lamb.


In Islam worship is centered around the Harvest cycle. Where the Sun is in the sky relative to the Earth. Different prayer times for different times of the season.


In Judaism it's centered around a literal harvest.

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:35 p.m. No.2780100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0106 >>0170


*. In Christianity the Bread and Wine are transformed into Body and Blood to appease God.


In the cult of Ba'al the Body and Blood are “transformed” into Bread and Grain to appease El.


Back to the feminine aspect of both faiths and their antithetical nature. Neither are considered to be a goddess, but rather having a specific role in connection to the faithful.


In Christianity the role is of a mother – The Virgin Mary


In the Kabbalistic cult – The harlot queen, Lilith -

It is said that the divine feminine in these religions houses God (remember, El). Typically known as the Shekinah.

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:36 p.m. No.2780106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0170


There's reocurring themes in the cult. Nature being the most prominent. In nature all things are considered to be working in a balance. Take this further and attribute it to the supernatural and morality and it leaves evil as, not only permissible, but required in order to keep the balance.


The kabbalistic creation story begins with two opposing elements clashing and creating the universe, and thereby requiring the universe to be balanced subsequently. This balance goes in to all things.









The advent and impact of Christianity and the divinity of Jesus are worked into this, thereby like Islam making Jesus a prophet of Ba'al. They use him the same way Islam does, but instead of one all powerful authority like “Allah” it's binary nature comes out in a balance of two “paths”


The right hand path – Light, Order, Morality, Dogma, Duty, (Jesus)

The left hand path – Darkness, Chaos, Hedonism, Immorality, Evil and death (Satan)


This Kabbalistic cult has recognized that their grain god, Baal, is actually Satan. Instead of simply converting to Christianity, they co-opt it and reduce Jesus and Christianity as a necessary good and themselves as following a necessary evil. They make evil permissible and see themselves as doing their duty on behalf of a natural balance between all things. They still adhere to nature (earth) as their chief


Even most kabbalistic wards have to be equal on both sides. Like the pentagram or hexagram. This goes into a “Sacred Geometry”. You'll see gamatria and sigil/circles with specific, equal sides. Notice the numbers on the walls around abromovich and the designs.

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:42 p.m. No.2780170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0262





^Quick rundown


v - Bible (sorry for the length.. it's the friggin bible)










As you can see above, from the beginning in scripture, there's been 2 camps. This is the same group that's been doing this since the beginning





Took a long time to go through all of that so, like i said, I'm headed out for a bit.


If i dig up anything else later, i'll run it by ya.


Good luck, anons

Anonymous ID: 3d707b Aug. 28, 2018, 10:46 p.m. No.2780200   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wrong. The Church excluded the Bible in the 7th Century Byzantium. It was technically catholic but the Pope and the magisterium weren't present, being they lived in a failed state.