>i'm good for another few breads
Eggcellent, glad to hear that.
Long shift last night,
late start tonight is appreciated.
I'll keep half-an-eye here in case needed tho.
Ty so much for the good work you're doing for us, baker. We're all grateful.
Right? Wew. Also the one about keeping things in perspective. It's all needed, this reorienting to our purpose. Our work is so difficult, we're under such attack–we need to be reminded what we fight for and why or it's hard to find the steam to keep going. We also have to stay grounded in both perspectives: our real, personal struggles, and our idealist, self-sacrificing mission. Otherwise we lose integrity, get tunnel vision. Q team isn't just guiding the red-pilling–they're military men, they understand the way morale works, the importance of spirit. This is why we've come together so solidly around Q. It's not just a message of intel, but also of love.
Heard. Will do. I saw a little, but this is why I need to go thru all breads. Time-consuming, but necessary. (((They))) are waging targeted campaigns against the messages (and IDENs) they think are most strongly galvanizing our resistance to their lies/evil. The lads here are on it, tho. I've been so fucking impressed with the steady push-back. Beautiful to see. Breaks me up as much as the Netherlands post tbh. It's why (((they))) are so terrified. They can't kill an idea. Once our fighting spirit is aligned with the truth, we're unstoppable.