not sure if sarcasm. But if not, that would be totally awesome to find preflood scrolls … book of Enoch could be considered one, but perhaps passed down orally through Noah
Presidential Daily Brief. for the last tier hopefully
anon you’re whole premise that God has to be satisfied with blood sacrifice is off, I think - God plotted the course after the fall of man to bring us back into harmony with him if we choose, without the price of sin being death.
why touch it, it’s literally garbage from 1995
dumb. People have been blowing the whistle on this stuff forever, but when the DEEPLY ENTRENCHED CULT has had power for centuries, it took seizing the reigns of power.
How could you possibly know what good men and women in top positions did or didn’t do with knowledge of the cult anyhow, and what
amazing things have you done to combat the evil
cult to judge?