"heute europa und morgen die welt"
put that in your translater..fuck off nazi shill.
>Nothing about killing Jews or taking over Europe.
fuckin national socialist statist shills drop their idiocy in here with hope that someone will fall for it.
still not a jew, hitlerfan..your boy was a fuckin puppet, shill.
he destroyed germany from within. destroying economic power and much more important german culture.
the nazis were not conservative..it was a progressive leftist movement. they took self defense off the the people.
they compromised every part of german life. they turned german history on its head. like progressives do.
he was a puppet for the brits and bonesmen. they had to destroy germany to build a new europe. kalergis europe. paneuropean efforts.
the brits called first and second world war 'the second 30 year war' do your fuckin homework, shill.
you still don't get it. because you're just a dumb fanboy and you don't think it through. hitler was used to destroy the sovereignty of all european people. EU was the goal. the destruction of the American Republic. This is way bigger than just the 12 years of Nazi Germany.
digits showin..
actually these 'riots' aren't spreading. it's pretty much contained in saxony.
actually all i'm seeing is that you don't have a clue about germany..seeing a few videos doesn't get you anywhere.
i'd appreciate if the communist brainwashing would stop but it's actually more complicated than you might think.
especially when you have closeted commies in power. many people are aware, but not enough to make a difference.
i think you really don't get the difference betwenn conservatism and national socialism. the so called riots came out of a group of skinheads who were there to stir up trouble. it's controlled opposition. check out the history of NPD in germany and who founded it in 1965.
like most nationalist movements of the time they were founded by state secret service members. you don't have a fuckin clue about germany.