THANK YOU BAKER, great bakin'
by the way, I think there have only been 3 or maybe 4 bakers today
think about that shit
but 4th Huber side by side, a focus on Iran Deal/U1
member, because CF is connected to U1, and U1 is connected to the Iran Deal, HUBER IS LOOKING INTO THE IRAN DEAL TOO
check out the other 3 (all off bread, in the side by side thread):
>>2763561 (#3)
>>2752254 (#2)
>>2734614 (#1)
if you read them (and other crumbs/sauce) you understand HOW YUGE Huber's investigation is
and because it has to be done by the book, its going to be done silently and methodically
I'm tired as FUCK
night anons, BIG WEEK ONGOING!!