Anonymous ID: 3103f2 Aug. 29, 2018, 4:15 a.m. No.2781685   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Iran trying to get nukes.

US and EU put sanctions on Iran.

US blackhats and Iran makes deal with EU blackhats to remove sanctions.



Iran get back froozen funds.

Top blackhats split palets of money.

EU companies get contracts in Iran.

US blackhats and Iran can continue nuke production in north Syria factory.


Trump becomes POTUS.

Trump bombs Irans factory in Syria.

US blackhats assets destroyed.


Trump break up Iran deal.

Trump puts new sanctions on Iran.

EU angry when they lose all contracts in Iran.

Iran leaders about to lose power.



9/11 start

War in Afganistan

War in Irak

War in Libya

War in Syria



Endless wars - Weakening USA, Profit for blackhat weapon industry



New puppet leaders - Blackhats profit from Oil

ISIS - Chaos, smoke & mirrors



New oil market - Profit blackhats

ISIS - Chaos, smoke & mirrors



USA & Russia conflict - Blackhats WW3 senario

ISIS - Chaos and refugies



Refugies - Weakening EU



Getting blamed for everything





EU people get angry b/c of all refugees, Cabal about to lose control over EU.

Refugees halted in Turkey.

Trump becomes POTUS.

ISIS destroyed by US and Russia.


EU people back to sleep, blackhats winning back lost ground.

EU makes UK pay hard for BREXIT - Blackhats show what happens if you fight the Cabal.

Upcoming election in Sweden, 9 Sep - Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokraterna) about to become largest party 25%, good are winning.

Trump is key, EU will not wake up until USA is a free from the Cabal.