How Payseurs gained power - part 1
Supposedly, thirteen families which are thought to control the central banks and the hard currency countries of the world. It is commonly thought that they own the majority of the stock and control the regional banks of the Federal Reserve System. It is proven knowledge that anytime someone or a group of people are involved in the organization of a scheme, they use sacrificial lambs for the public viewing so as that the person or persons that are orchestrating the whole show are never seen or known.
This is the case with the Federal Reserve System in America, which has interlocking controls globally because it is all part of one parent that traverses the globe, Railroads. And there is a monopoly held for Railroads and Banking.
All of the people and banking houses that appear to be “separate entities” are all part of this parent; how they became involved goes all the way back to the early 1800’s and the great grand parents in the family bloodline that were hired by the Payseur family to become life estate Trustees, based on 99 year leases and Trusteeships expiring June 17, 1993 and December 31, 1993, for certain banks and corporations that reach around the globe. (see Lewis Cass Payseur and His Assets - 1850-1939)
All these families were trustee for the Payseur conglomerate. These Trustees do not really “own” these corporations or banks; they are all in Trust.
The group of heir Trustees listed below control the policy-making and decision making of the central banks of the leading nations of the world.
• Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
• Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York
• Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
• Boldman, Sachs Bank of New York
• Chemical Bank of New York
• Citibank Bank of New York
• Schroder Banking of New York
• Brown Brothers & Harriman
• William S. Sneath
• Wachovia Bank
• Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
• Israel Moses Self Banks of Italy
• Lazares Brothers Banks of Paris
• Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
One short note about the Rothschilds at this time, the last bank mogul and tyrant of the Rothschilds was murdered sometime in 1990 and there is someone else controlling now, not a Rothschild.
The above-listed banking houses, to an extent, manipulate the daily prices of gold and silver on the exchange. The “hard currency countries” are those countries whose currency is not allowed to fluctuate as much as the other countries’ currency fluctuates.
The American dollar is the standard for all of the currency in the world. Wherever the American dollar goes, it affects other nations in relation to our dollar. These corporations, banks and railroads reach into almost every country of the world at this time; they have control of these countries.
They practice fractional reserve banking.