Anonymous ID: 5b660b Aug. 29, 2018, 5:37 a.m. No.2782016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2122

In the middle of a new Soros dig and stalled. Its like the info just dead ends with nothing conclusive no mtter where you search. Q originally said that Soros had over $1 trillion in personal wealth. Publicly the fake media claimed that he had only tens of billions (most of which he allegedly gave away to his communist organizations).


In Q post #299 Q said that Soros' personal wealth never (actually) reduces. What's a few billions if you've got over a trillion? Don't recall Anons digging on this. Where is Soros hiding the money?


Also significant is Q's mention of Alex Soros' meetings with Trudeau in Canada and a connection to the omnipresent Clintons. Been following the movement since November, and don't recall seeing a real dig on that connection between the Soros demon and Trudeau. Besides U1, what else is there between Trudeau, Soros, and the crooked Clintons?


No Name was seriously bad, but Soros is far worse. The Soros demons are the ones who should have been taken out first. Not just the evil daddy, but the faggot son too.