Anonymous ID: 02920f Aug. 29, 2018, 6:38 a.m. No.2782312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2331 >>2794

So, let me see if I have a good handle on new China bread:


  1. China is given access to HRC server, correlating with the death/disappearance of an estimated two dozen CIA assets in China.


Also, China is granted contracts to produce components for American military planes, which have been crashing regularly over the past two years.


  1. Diane Feinstein hires her Chinese spy driver in or about the year 2000. In 2013, she pushes through Agenda 21 to halt gold mining and mineral mining in America. Her husband then became the biggest American importer of Chinese minerals.


Simultaneously, she pushes through legislation to award $25 billion of taxpayer money to a government agency that had just awarded her husband a ridiculously lucrative contract to sell foreclosed homes at higher than industry norm prices.


  1. China has been encouraging its men to marry into African communities, particularly in South Africa. These same countries have suddenly been hit with reparation fever and have begun forcibly stealing land from Boer farmers. Coincidentally, Africa has huge amounts of untapped mineral wealth and little to no regulation on how its mined.


Is it just me, or has China infiltrated the American government, put the American military at risk by manufacturing faulty parts, cornered the gold and minerals market to potentially try to control our economy, and set in motion a plan for the largest land and resource grab in human history? And they were aided and abbetted by treasonous American politicians who got rich by selling out our country.

Anonymous ID: 02920f Aug. 29, 2018, 7:05 a.m. No.2782455   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Feinstein's 'firewall'


Feinstein has advocated closer relations and expanded trade with China. But her career has been dogged by allegations that her husband has sought to trade on his wife's official position to enhance his prospects as an international investment banker.


Feinstein has adamantly denied a conflict of interest, saying she had erected a "firewall" between her office and her husband's career. In 1997, Blum said he was donating profits from his China investments to charity to further defuse conflict concerns.


In May, before she voted for a measure that normalized trade with China, she said through a spokesman that Blum had divested of his last holdings in mainland China in 1999.


In response to queries for this story, Blum said he had earmarked some China assets for charity and sold others, one as recently as August.


Public records show a venture capital firm backed by Blum's investment bank owns millions of dollars worth of stock in corporations doing business in China.


The firm is Newbridge Capital, a joint venture between Richard C. Blum & Associates and another firm called Texas Pacific Group. It maintains an office in Shanghai for an affiliate called Newbridge Asia, public records show.


And in the past two years, the firm has pumped more than $400 million in U.S. venture capital into East Asian businesses in hopes of profiting from the region's rebounding economy.


At least $90 million of that - perhaps more - was invested in companies whose profits are pegged to the burgeoning mainland China market, according to the companies themselves.


Two are companies headquartered in Hong Kong:


  1. Kerry Properties, a realty firm that is building highrise hotels and apartment complexes in China; and

  2., which is establishing U.S.-style Web sites for Internet users in China. Another is IAsiaworks of San Mateo, which hopes to wire China for the Internet.


Three others are partly owned or founded by the government of China:


  1. Zhongxing Suntek Data Communications Corp., a joint venture involving one of China's leading telecom manufacturers;

  2. China Civilink Ltd., China's biggest dot-com; and

  3. North Dragon Iron & Steel Works, a Manchurian mining operation.