Anonymous ID: 2e6216 Aug. 29, 2018, 6:27 a.m. No.2782244   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2782035 (pb)

>>2782049 (pb)

POTUS tweets about fake news Journalists

What about "Q" team?

With Q team "Anonymous" is a feature, not a bug.

But obviously you have to take the first person accounts here with the consciousness the info could be spoiled/sour:

"My neighbors best friend's daughters cousin knew the shooter"

If it "Walks like a duck, Looks like a duck, Quacks like a duck" well, you know the rest.

There's other ways you know the alleged journalists POTUS refers to are lying, besides that they cite "Anon sources" that don't exist. We're anon sources, but we actually exist.

Anonymous ID: 2e6216 Aug. 29, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.2782481   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They have minority education programs now which they didn't have in the 80's, fer sure. They may express the horrors of colonial and settler genocide in their reporting.

For instance it used to be "Pilgrims" were good guys. And there were heros of the Wild West. Paul Bunyon, Daniel Boone. Explorers were heros.

Certainly they way children are taught history of U.S. now does not make them proud.

I have many children's books from the past. Most of them, at least half, could not be shared with a PC child.

As an extreme example, the stories of "Brer Bear and Brer Rabbit" they were folk stores told by "Uncle Remus" a slave. Disney had to take the movie cartoon of the stories out of circulation.

This thing [video related] probably went out of style in the '60'


In the book "the Mechanical Bride" by Marshall McCluhan , he documents through ads how outlaws and people who broke the law were made to look attractive. He argues there was cultural conditioning to acclimate the population to crime and to make criminals into heros.

The book was '51, but very "ahead of its time."

Just looking at "The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich" 1500 pages , copyright 1950;

I read an excerpt.

Reads like Propaganda. "Historical Dramatization"

Too much text.

Some of what is done [in a case like that, I believe - 1500 pages in tiny type] is to cover something. They bury you in pages. [law offices are known to do that] Everyone thinks someone else read it. And that "it must be good" with that many pages.

Ann Coulter did that in one of her books with "citations" 'Cept if you checked them they didn''t check out.

That was done with the "Warren Commission Report" which was supposed to analyze the Kennedy killing. The original work was many volumes ~28. You can't get this set anymore. They may have even erase the fact it was that long originally .

I'm told some libraries still carry the full version, but I think it's been expunged from circulation. And the promoted and available copy is abridged.

The reason :They apparently thought they could bury people in pages but People did end up combing through it , read it. And the criminals were caught in their lies, in many ways.

So when they did the "Commission report" for 9/11 it was very short. Most data was excluded.

There is lying by lying and there lying by omission. Lying by omission is safer. If people don't know what was there, they won't miss it.

One copy, 26 volumes, Not available "Sorry"

But it is for download at a government site

"Formatting may differ"

As with the OIG report on the "midterm exam" many will just read the summary?

In the case of OIG report , wasn't the final cut of the summary up to RR?

The body doesn't match the summary. I know that much.

Anonymous ID: 2e6216 Aug. 29, 2018, 7:34 a.m. No.2782677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2730



The threaten in a ploy for control.

But real threats don't threat they just do.

Of course they'd love to do it again if they could; but I don't think they could anymore.

In fact I think they fucked -up the first try and it was meant to be much worse.

Still waiting for the follow-up guize.

FEMA even had their own professional Propaganda images taken.

Yep, Nazi. Walk, Quack, Look.

Anonymous ID: 2e6216 Aug. 29, 2018, 7:40 a.m. No.2782730   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Looking at this closer it does look like a shop job. I found some of those too

What's the weird white building, semi - see through

The skyline blocking the bottom of the remaining North Tower looks like a layering affect.

See the glow in the cloud that was the South Tower?

Anonymous ID: 2e6216 Aug. 29, 2018, 7:46 a.m. No.2782778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2868


Yes, it's a plot. They don't want any physical books. So much easier to elide things with data?

But certainly if they had control of the data, as they planned, they would hide away copies for themselves, much as the Vatican likely has done?

Anonymous ID: 2e6216 Aug. 29, 2018, 7:56 a.m. No.2782868   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But it seems the Dems[?] have forgotten the need to let what is at rest , stay at rest / hidden; since they have demanded paperwork from Kavanaugh's career!


So sometimes the historical memory is so weak they will forget what they needed to hide, and why? Then it could remain and be found later.

At lot of important material could be right in front of people, but since they are not familiar with it / don't know what it is; they can't see it.