Anonymous ID: 68ca6e Aug. 29, 2018, 6:45 a.m. No.2782352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2368 >>2377

How a twenty-year-old movie foretold the Mueller witch hunt


Twenty years ago, Will Smith starred in a terrific film called Enemy of the State. It seemed a work of fiction at the time. It was riveting for its portrayal of the government's abuse of every hi-tech tool at the ready to surveil and destroy a man's life. Those tools seemed make-believe in 1998. How naïve we film-goers were.In the movie, a man tasked with monitoring the habits of Canadian geese inadvertently catches a murder on film with hidden cameras in a park. The victim, a Republican senator, has steadfastly refused to vote for the Telecommunications, Security and Privacy Act that would permit the government to do what it most certainly does do today. The senator's refusal is unacceptable to the murderers who are agents of the NSA. The government is bound and determined to develop the legal authority to surveil Americans, no matter the cost or the constitutional violations.


In the movie, a man tasked with monitoring the habits of Canadian geese inadvertently catches a murder on film with hidden cameras in a park. The victim, a Republican senator, has steadfastly refused to vote for the Telecommunications, Security and Privacy Act that would permit the government to do what it most certainly does do today. The senator's refusal is unacceptable to the murderers who are agents of the NSA. The government is bound and determined to develop the legal authority to surveil Americans, no matter the cost or the constitutional violations.


When the bird man views the tape, he realizes that what he has is valuable and shocking. By then, the NSA has already identified and located him and tapped his phones, and a group of NSA operatives are dispensed to get the tape by any means necessary. Bird man realizes that his life is in danger and runs. He meets Will Smith, an old acquaintance, and drops the tape into the shopping bag he is carrying, then gets hit by a car and is killed. Smith's character, Robert Dean, has no idea that the tape is in his bag. Dean is identified as a momentary contact with the dead man, so he will be the NSA's next victim. Agents set out to destroy his life as surely as Mueller set out to successfully destroy Michael Flynn's life, and Manafort's, and Cohen's. These real-life parallels will destroy anyone they need to if it leads to the destruction of Donald Trump's presidency. That is who they are. That is what they do. See Sidney Powell's book, Licensed to Lie.