Anonymous ID: 6b1272 Payseur Aug. 29, 2018, 6:26 a.m. No.2782237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2247 >>2321 >>2328 >>2346 >>2416 >>2481 >>2738

OldHistoryHamFag reporting in.


Payseur had completely escaped my detection! Great job anons and team Q.


Being born at the end of 1963, I was in the first wave of the "Great Society" kids. The education system was nationalized in 1965. This means that the fuckery had begun as I came of age.


The amount of stuff that I've had to unlearn has been massive and it continues. I learn a lot from anons and your research. Team Q has directed a lot of things that needed exposing.


I have dropped hints here and there. There is a reason we're saving [] for last. The propaganda surrounding WW2 is deeply ingrained on an EMOTIONAL level. People don't want to hear that they've been lied to about the greatest hoax ever and that it was done as part of a plan.


(paraphrasing) "We will create up to 3 world wars until we achieve …"


ABCs here, but also FSB and the Institute.


For now, follow Q's lead from the amazing drops. There are 3 major phases to this operation:


  1. Preserve what's left of the Republic by defeating the Kabal and protecting POTUS so he can carry out his part of the Plan.


  1. Take down the world-wide control system of the Kabal and the evil, satanic pedophiles and all that goes with them. [Red Cross] [Foundations].


  1. Begin a MASSIVE reeducation to undo the historical fuckery. This will take DECADES. It is essential so that future generations are not trapped in this vicious cycle as we have been and our parents and grandparents before us.


Remember, he who controls the past, controls the future. We must liberate the past in its full, unvarnished truth (or as close as we can get.)



Anonymous ID: 6b1272 David Irving Aug. 29, 2018, 6:31 a.m. No.2782263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2279

Read his books, watch his lectures.


He is brutally honest and goes to ORIGINAL sources - not the reports of diaries, but the actual handwritten diaries.


He speaks fluent German and was living in Germany working in a steel mill in the 1960s.


I was supposed to meet up with him for dinner before a lecture last year and he lost my phone number. We're trying again this year as he's coming in the Fall. (exact dates and places not announced for OPSEC)

Anonymous ID: 6b1272 TGSNT Aug. 29, 2018, 6:32 a.m. No.2782268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2284 >>2301

German Anons, this is blocked in your country. I have all of the videos in MP4. Let me see if I can upload them to a file share and I'll create a thread for you.

Anonymous ID: 6b1272 David Irving - cont'd Aug. 29, 2018, 7:15 a.m. No.2782530   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I've had questions from anons about if David disproved things. That's not how he works.


He is a master at digging through archives. He writes his own books based upon the writings of the people involved. He does not set out with any agenda except the truth based upon what people wrote at the time.


He has personally interviewed virtually all of Hitler's staff that survived the war. They gave him diaries and other papers. Because he speaks German, he can have a conversation.


He is honest and will respond to questions with "that's not in the documented record." or "I can't find that in the writings."


The Austrians threw his ass in jail for 3 years for giving a lecture. He is routinely derided for being a "denier" when his approach is quite the opposite - he only reports what he has authenticated.