Anonymous ID: 769d32 Aug. 29, 2018, 6:33 a.m. No.2782273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2409 >>2772


What if a paper-trail exists…

PDB via No Such Agency?

HUSSEIN made aware w/ no action?

Why did POTUS refuse 'select' PDBs during transition?

Who knew?

Threat assessment.

Adm Rogers?


Why did HUSSEIN + HRC + ADMIN + Staff + … use private emails to communicate?

Was HRC the only one to use unsecured server(s)?

If access was granted re: HRC private server(s) can you assume access was granted re: House server(s) re: AWAN?

AWAN>Pakistani Intelligence?


Huma>Muslim Brotherhood?

Matters of NAT SEC.


MSM MUST PAY for their role in this TREASON! It is obvious the people who "serve" in government should pay with their lives! Will MSM members who provided cover and still are pay with their lives???? Q?