Anonymous ID: 792f9a Aug. 29, 2018, 7:17 a.m. No.2782550   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2561



Q #299


>Rothschilds (cult leaders)(church)(P)

Banks / Financial Institutions

WW Gov Control

Gov Controls People


I think p in that sense is atually "pope" as it is the chair (of st peter), and it serves the master - rothschild via their loan to the vatican in the 19s century.


P has double meaning imo.


In q #714 we see that p is probably Payseur:


Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

>Save the best for last.



Anonymous ID: 792f9a Aug. 29, 2018, 7:25 a.m. No.2782602   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2617



I think in some crumbs it is pope (like in the p = c).

In q #714 p is payseur.


Another option is that p is payseur and they are the "eye of providence" (above the triangle of roths sauds and soros) and they represent lucifer according to their cult. So they are "the chair" that serves the "master" - satan, as for them lucifer is real.

Anonymous ID: 792f9a Aug. 29, 2018, 7:29 a.m. No.2782630   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Q #133


Hard to swallow.

Important to progress.

Who are the puppet masters?

House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+

Focus on above (3).

Public wealth disclosures โ€“ False.

>Many governments of the world feed the โ€˜Eyeโ€™.

Think slush funds (feeder).

Think war (feeder).

Think environmental pacts (feeder).

>Triangle has (3) sides.

>Eye of Providence.

Follow the bloodlines.

What is the keystone?

Does Satan exist?

Does the โ€˜thoughtโ€™ of Satan exist?

Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the dome?

Why is this relevant?

Who are the puppet masters?

Have the puppet masters traveled to this island?

When? How often? Why?