Anonymous ID: 9e3c8b Aug. 29, 2018, 8 a.m. No.2782910   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Who funds MS13?

Why did BO instruct HS & BP to release MS13 captures at the border?

What agency has direct ties to (2) major drug cartels?

Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing the removal of MS13?

Why is AG Sessions / POTUS prioritizing building the wall?



Who do you hire for a hit?

Who can be eliminated after the job is complete?

Seth Rich.

Who was found dead (2) shortly after his murder?

What affiliation did they have?




What do Clowns do w/ the access codes and tech?

Who controls NK?

Who really controls NK?

What families are protected using leverage?

Bank / Financial leverage?

NUKE strike package leverage?

Why is IRAN protected?

Why is IRAN funded by the US?

What news about IRAN broke?


What about WMDs?

Why did Brennan / others provide false intel re: NK capability + IRAN Tech / NUKE DEV?

Plate full.

Have faith.



Troops to Border.

Clown Black Ops.

Private funds.

Raised how?

Troops @ Border does what?


To who?

D's involved.

MS_13/Illegals road block.

Sex traffic road block.

Children road block.

Drugs road block.

Guns road block.

China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.

Name we don't say AZ road block.

Jeff Flake AZ road block.

Big money TERMINATE.

The WALL means more than you know.

The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.




Sara A. Carter

‏Verified account @SaraCarterDC


Sara A. Carter Retweeted Glenn McEntyre


Based on the research we've been doing on Heroin and Fentanyl it would not be surprising. Fentanyl is so powerful that even a small amount could kill you or cause an overdose – The drug cartels, China and other nefarious players are behind the increase in deaths, overdoses…