Anonymous ID: a0cd03 Aug. 29, 2018, 7:29 a.m. No.2782633   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2705

If communism and religion were used to create a false world, why is communism considered bad now? Why does it have such a poor outlook, why is it frowned upon? If their goal was to create a world with an idea, why didn't they push that idea?


So, let's say today. Here in 2018 we claim to be smarter than at any other point in time, most sophisticated medicine, technology in the palm of our hands that would make us seem like a God to someone 500 years ago. With that the populous has also decided if you were born a man, decide you should have been born a woman, it's totally healthy, and of right mind to decide to dress like a woman, get breast implants, cut your dick of and give yourself a new name. These people get their own groups, parades, colors, all to feel special when they claim they just want to be treated like everyone else.


So the powers that be can slowly make living with a phone in our hand the norm. LGBTQ the norm. Wars the norm. Why couldn't they pass off communism? Doesn't make sense. People are idiots. We will believe what we are told. If you don't believe me, proof is in everything we do.


Not saying it's bullshit, I'm just hoping someone can explain to my dumb ass how this worked or why it failed in the first place and had to remain hidden? From everything I've seen on my time on this earth people do two things.


1.) Bitch about an issue

2.) Pretend the issue doesn't exist when bitching does nothing