Anonymous ID: d668c9 Aug. 29, 2018, 6:28 a.m. No.2782245   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2251 >>2254 >>2278 >>2302 >>2305

Woke up to lose a lifelong friend this morning…I take comfort in the understanding that truth is greater than opinion, and that we are doing the right thing seeking truth out in the midst of those attempting to muddy the waters and hide the atrocities committed against humanity. I take comfort in Q's post yesterday to anon about perspective. I am more than willing to give up everything I have to keep the shit that has happened to me from ever happening to anyone else. I do so with the understanding that as fucked up as my life has been, there are many others out there whom have had it way worse. This shit is painful and as good as I am at suppressing depression itself, I'm in fucking tears right now. Sorry for whining, just needed it off my chest and I know there are those whom listen. No reply necessary. I'll be back at it shortly. Much love to you all.