Anonymous ID: ef70ef Aug. 29, 2018, 7:37 a.m. No.2782703   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Since you brought it up…


Satan is how evil people see God. Satan is also an employee of God and though the Heavenly battle rages, in the end, nothing is more powerful than God and God always wins.


There is nothing that can be outside of God as there is only one power in all of creation. Might want to think about what that means about you…


We all have a role to play here on earth, some good, some evil. Q's "Dark to light" saying is a statement of monumental truth!


Those who are evil will be stopped and made to suffer in order to stop their downward spiral, spiritually. God's light is coming for them in order to bring them back from the darkness. Their darkness effects all of us and the time has come for this to end, hence the Apocalypse (which means Revelation of Truth).


As the old age passes, elements of the new age begin to appear (not to be confused with "new age" bs).


I'm told by those who know that this is how it's going down in a nut shell. No need to agree or disagree, or shit the bread with a long argument.


Time will tell and we shall see…