Anonymous ID: f688e3 Aug. 29, 2018, 7:23 a.m. No.2782594   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ohr not being interviewed means ZERO. The info may have been obtained from others for Huber.


Ohr may be left for later due to his minor role compared to others all the way to the top, meaning Barry and friends.


So what if no interview took place.


Truth is, it doesn't matter much. Other evidence may preclude it being needed.


And when you have idiots like Lindsey Graham saying shit, you know he and most others know ZERO about the Great Awakening.


Don't let the pond scum on the surface bother you. We are at 20,000 Leagues under the Sea compared to Senators and most Congressmen.


Their fishhooks are on leader too short to reach us.