Anonymous ID: feb376 Aug. 29, 2018, 7:09 a.m. No.2782486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2544


Annie Jacobsen's "Operation Paperclip" goes into exhaustive details on how many key Nazi figures were slipped into new lives and identities in America after the war. It wasn't written to be a "paytriot" book; money wasn't an issue for Jacobsen. She became acquainted with some elderly, retired military industrial complex employees who were all too happy to spill all the freshly-declassified details of their careers to an interested, intelligent young woman before they passed away. There are source records from military archives she gained access to via FOIA, and visits to the Pentagon and other locations normally never open to the public via acquaintanceship with those same retired MIC employees and their colleagues. Her notes and sources for the book could qualify as a highlight; they are extensive and exhaustive, just blew me away.


My takeaway: we've been infested with Nazis since WWII. The only ones the US military killed were their grunts. All the rest went to the US, the USSR, and South America.