Anonymous ID: 28ab97 Aug. 29, 2018, 8:09 a.m. No.2782967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3108

What happens to all the money after the campaign elections? /PhDAnon/


Specifically what happens to the money that is contributed by all the large corporations and individuals during campaign season once the voting season is over?


Where does it go after?


Follow the DOMESTIC money donations also AFTER the elections!


All the money that you and corporations donate to the large campaigns and related have to be….??? DONATED!!! "A" donates to "B" and "B" donates to "A" after election?? Legal???…


Obvious vehicle utilized to legally move millions in bribery and payoff money from one campaign to another individual (via Charitable Org) from large corporations/wealthy individuals?


Direct AND non-direct connections??


Donation to "A" for campaign may actually be finding its way into "B" hands after as a non-direct donation to "B"s specific "charitable organizations" (CO).


COs use the money for "CO" business but really becomes another income stream for planes, hotels, food, etc…under guise of official CO business.


COs just have to abide by the requirements of the IRS laws surrounding CO organizations.


Why do ALL these DS individuals have COs AND reside on the board?


What benefits do they receive? Who benefits? FOLLOW the money coming in AND going out!!! Domestic and foreign!!


Hmmm…Who was appointed in the IRS that didn't investigate why HRC was not spending the legally required amounts on "charity" but were spending lavishly on their own personal travel?


Because of IRS non-action due to this individual HOW many organizations were NOT properly audited to uncover the money trails….direct and indirect, primary/secondary/tertiary money movements???


What are the maximum spending limits put out by the IRS on Non-profit organization for yearly on hotels, air travel, meals, etc? What is the minimum amount (%) that a CO must expend, as charitable donations, of the money held to maintain status as a non-profit?


Foundations are tax exempt if they meet specific requirements?


How do these long term politicians amass enormous fortunes in their COs? Domestic? Foreign?


Guaranteed "retirement" nest egg???


Want to check that box on your income tax form to donate to the election candidates any more? Want politicians to be able to donate to each other, the remaining millions after an election? Where should those tens of millions dollars go? How about SCHOOLS?? Need a new law preventing this from happening and requiring all donations to go to public schools?? And???


What is hidden corruption?


Follow the money…ALL the money! WWG1WGA

Anonymous ID: 28ab97 Aug. 29, 2018, 8:26 a.m. No.2783165   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putter Panda APT behind for cyber espionage campaigns, are they members of PLA Unit 61486?


CrowdStrike published a new report which blames the Chinese Putter Panda group for the different cyber espionage campaigns conducted against foreign companies.


Putter Panda is the name of bad actor responsible for a series of cyber espionage operations originating in Shanghai, security experts linked its operation to the activity of the People’s Liberation Army 3rd General Staff Department 12th Bureau Unit 61486.

Anonymous ID: 28ab97 Aug. 29, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.2783325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3348 >>3353



But Q is telling us that everything started when HRC was Secretary.


What was the plan?


To give access to foreign power of US secrets?


To whom? China? Or many more?


It was about money? Thats low point.


If she was president, why would she sell secrets?


To destroy USA?