Can't be said enough. THANK YOU!!!
NSA PRISM = White Hats (Wizards and Warlocks)
Snowden works for CIA/MOS.
China figures out CIA is infiltrating, so they decide to execute the fuckers. To keep quiet, HRC works a deal to sell secrets to China located on her server there. Feinstein's BG was a spy to ensure she stayed compliant with the deal.
What have you archived in regards to the Illuminati Bloodlines and the Card Game on the website?
Awesome, ty. I'm making a post for next bread. Oldfags will think repeat, but I think newfags need a guide on some things. I'm starting to figure out the "Choice to know" statement's meaning.
Agree 100%.
I'm not entirely certain yet, but I think it has something to do with the choice to know the truth about the source of evil. I'm re-reading stuff right now.
Jack P is most definitely playing his part. Dilbertman, too. They all are.