Apache created in early internet days.. by remember the name Brian Behlendorf. He now sits with the company Wickr,
a shredder text app. He works with this guy, Amb. Joseph Detraini ( 20 years CIA Senior Exec. Special envoy 6 party talks with NK.). Right after the election in 2012. A partner to Obama.. Brian is a world leader in tech and writing code. All working in the white house during critical times. Apache base encompasses almost all of the world's internet. All ties to the one server and right to the white house. Bypass the nsa.. then use the nsa to legalize whatever you need to do. It's like seizure before the warrant and before the probable cause. Wow...excerpt..."Published on Feb 11, 2013
"The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life," Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday. "That's going to be very, very powerful," Waters said. "That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that it's never been done before and whoever runs for President on the Democratic ticket has to deal with that. They're going to go down with that database and the concerns of those people because they can't get around it. And he's [President Obama] been very smart. It's very powerful what he's leaving in place." How do you bypass the government jurisdiction and constitutional law? You privatize it and find a source. Brian & Joseph were involved on how to use the internet for Obama's legislation. Implications are a shadow tech government with the ex president holding the keys. They told the power to the internet they know everything and it completely bypasses law. Remember when the irs and nsa was blamed for targeting conservatives? I'm sure there alot more left to research to tie strings ect... by no means is this considered fact but q points to apache and after alot of unresolved research so far alot of dots tie to the cia nsa, Obama. I can't say it enough this is his partner at wickr. thehill .com /homenews/administration/327107-trump-signs-internet-privacy-repeal. They control the world not just NK. Remember how Obama would go on these tirades about how it was his mission to get internet access to these countries that don't have it. We have a guy running the messenger for this country that worked on nuclear proliferation with North Korea that is partner's with this guy... All back to the white house for dinner and communist talk. Jerry Dixon Crowdstrike, Gerhard Eschelbeck, George Kurtz, John Herring, Mat Henley, Thor Halvorssen, These people all work for the same damn company. The creator of apache all the way down to north Korea and crowdstrike. All the q connections right to this company... All these people running our entire database, internet, messaging everything. Mike Wertheimer. You know the "16 agencies that all said Russia colluded in the election"...? Amit Yoran, CEO of In Q Tel. Venture capital arm of the CIA. https:// www.n etworkworld.com/article/3040175/security/nsa-asks-silicon-valley-to-help-fight-cybercrime-terrorism.html. Also, https:// www.ft .com/content/89f19e64-5501-11e3-a321-00144feabdc0. Everything and everyone Obama operates massive tech firm's that run this country and the world.