Anonymous ID: 3045c1 Feb. 5, 2018, 3:43 p.m. No.279218   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9230 >>9256


here is a link for the FBI files… https:



Today I listened to an interview with Wayne Williams, he apparently wrote a book in which he stated as a younger boy went thru a CIA funded ROTC program where he was trained to kill (sorry I'm laughing). But something to explore, perhaps.


Another interesting fact I learned while investigating this today is: During the time of the murders was the first time in history that Atlanta had an ALL black system. It was admitted in interviews that they had white / Caucasian suspects but were reluctant to peruse due to fear of creating racial issues.


There was much conspiracy surrounding these murders as Wayne Williams was only tried for the murder of 2 of the boys. Regardless of what most reports will tell you, there were really up to 30 disappearances.


Another interview I watched with an investigative reporter revealed the underground secret societies in Atlanta that were satanists. He reported human sacrifices etc. These people were dealing in black boys and men for prostitution and ritual killings.


It was mentioned that there were connections to some killings in Chicago and a ring of human trafficking between Atlanta and Chicago.


I am researching names of the government at the time. They were busy covering up for the elites who were part of this secret society. Big names.


Some Sick Shyt went down.