A long time ago, thousands of years before our time, caucasian people lived on the plains of Mongolia. The several kilometer thick ice sheet that had covered Europe for millenia, had melted and flooded the western steppes, so the caucasian heartland was Mongolia and nearby areas. Wild horses lived here and the people hunted and herded them along with sheep/goats and cattle. Life was good. And inventive fellow had learned that horse hooves made a great material to protect against knife and axe blades in battle. You cut them in scallop shapes and sewed them in overlapping rows onto your coat. Nobody had thought of riding horses or even using them as pack animals.
Warriors wearing these magic coats that gave the wearer great power against armed enemies, wondered far and wide. Where they wanted a woman, they took one. Where they were hungry, they ate. They were the lords of creation, above all laws. Eventually they came across the mountains into the Middle East in the land of Sumeria where peaceful people farmed and fished in the Tigris and Euphrates valleys. These people were in awe of the tall strangers who had pale skin, thick beards and fish scales over their body like they had walked out of the mother river herself. They bowed before the giants in awe, brought them food and drink, gave them women, and got used to a life of slaves.
Their masters were very demanding which caused the level of arts and technology in Sumeria to rise sharply. Not all of these gods agreed. They competed among themselves in some kind of celestial game, using the people of the earth as pawns. But the slaves did not understand that these were just ordinary men from another place, who had no right to be monarchs in the land.