Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.2785216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5285





Then use the link below to download our work!




Understand this is NOT a chat room, lurk for a few weeks AT LEAST before posting and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE READ OUR WORK, watch how the board operates, learn our comms, use discernment to evaluate who is friend or foe and learn how shills operate!





Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.2785235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5245 >>5356 >>5452 >>5644 >>5832 >>5894

Bernie Endorsed Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Is Neck Deep In Corruption Investigation


Democrat Andrew Gillum won a surprise victory in Tuesday night’s Democratic primary.

Gillum will take on Republican Representative Ron DeSantis (R-FL) in the general election.


Andrew Gillum is neck deep in a federal corruption investigation.


The Tallahassee Democrat reported:


The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Florida recently confirmed an FBI investigation into possible public corruption is continuing — but prosecutors declined to discuss its anti-corruption efforts even in the most general of terms.


The Daily Caller has more on the investigation.


Gillum has served as the mayor of Tallahassee since 2014. The USA Herold referred to his candidacy as the “far-left choice,” and he has been endorsed by Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders. In addition to raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour, Gillum has called for universal health care and increasing corporate taxes.


The FBI launched an investigation into Tallahassee’s city hall and key government players as early as 2015 as part of an on-going corruption probe. Part of the extensive investigation is targeted at Gillum’s longtime friend and former campaign manager, whose restaurant received tax money.


“We expect the city to respond fully and completely to the subpoena and we hope the situation is resolved quickly,” Gillum’s campaign spokesman told The Tallahassee Democrat after city officials received a new round of subpoeans.


Gillum also previously came under fire after failing to disclose more than $400,000 in mortgage debts on his financial disclosure forms.

Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.2785254   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel draft law to imprison any holders of Palestinian flag


The representative of the Likud Party, Anat Barko, has suggested a bill to punish anyone who lifts the Palestinian flag inside Israel after it was flown during a demonstration against the Nation-State law in the centre of Tel Aviv.


Barko stated that the bill, which will be introduced to the Knesset during the upcoming winter session starting October, will sentence those who raise the Palestinian flag or the flag of “enemies” inside Israel to one year of imprisonment.


The Likud MK confirmed that the bill enjoys broad party support. She also pointed out that the government promised to pass the draft law in the Knesset after winning the help of the coalition parties.


Barko highlighted that the bill above would emphasise the principle of reciprocity. Therefore, anyone who would raise the flag of a country which is already banning the flag of Israel will be punished too.

Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.2785292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5452 >>5644 >>5832 >>5894

The Media’s Coverage Of Pope Francis' Alleged Sex Abuse Cover-Up Is Insanely Despicable


There are now credible allegations that Pope Francis knew all about sexual misconduct allegations regarding disgraced Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, and that he attempted to cover them up and restore McCarrick to a public position. Those allegations, originally aired publicly by Cardinal Carlo Maria Vigano, have been supported by a variety of sources including the state attorney in Pennsylvania, who says the Vatican was aware of local abuses for years.


Now, you’d imagine that the media would be all over these allegations. After all, the media coverage of Boston archdiocese sexual abuse made headlines the world over, and became such a glorious moment for the press that it won them an Oscar in Spotlight. But instead of tracking down Francis and his acolytes for answers on whether the church looked the other way regarding both homosexual activity within the church and abuse of minors, the media have rushed to Francis’ defense. Why? Because Francis is widely perceived to share Leftist sensibilities regarding issues like climate change, illegal immigration, and homosexuality.


That’s why Cardinal Blaise Cupich hasn’t been run out of town on a rail for openly stating that “The Pope has a bigger agenda. He’s got to get on with other things, of talking about the environment and protecting migrants and carrying on the work of the church. We’re not going to go down a rabbit hole on this.” The media believe, like Cupich, that the abuse of children is of lower priority than climate change and illegal immigration. Furthermore, they fear that focus will be placed on a homosexual subculture within the church, some of whose participants have been linked with molestation; victims of church abuse have been disproportionately male, as Professor Katherine van Wormer wrote in 2010 at Psychology Today, “Outside of the Catholic Church, the overwhelming numbers of juvenile victims of sexual abuse are female. Within the church, however, four out of five of their victims are male.” That’s not to say that homosexuality is linked with child abuse; the data don't bear out the idea that self-identified homosexual men are more likely to molest than self-identified heterosexual men. But regardless of all facts, members of the media would rather put children in danger to defend Pope Francis than report the accusations against the Vatican objectively.


This isn’t speculation. The members of the media are openly saying as much.



Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.2785307   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So we shouldn't direct new lurkers to our cause and work, why?


And why do you care so much that you want it stopped?


It's only one post in a sea of hundreds of shitposts!

Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:15 a.m. No.2785378   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel advocate Ravich named to senior intelligence post, planned US-Israel cyber project against BDS


New deputy chair of the Intelligence Advisory Board, which helps shape U.S. intelligence policy, is Samantha Ravich – an Israel advocate who previously worked for AIPAC spinoff WINEP, was a senior advisor to pro-Israel FDD, senior advisor to the Chertoff Group…

See video of her speech at Israel Bonds event, where she describes a cyber project that will combat BDS…

IAB chair is Stephen Feinberg, hedge fund billionaire and military contractor…


The Forward reports: “President Trump chose as the deputy chairwoman of the intelligence advisory board a Jewish national security expert who is well known in the pro-Israel national security community.


“Samantha Ravich was named to the board, which helps shape intelligence policy, on Tuesday.


“Ravich, a former deputy national security adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney, is a senior adviser to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, an influential hawkish pro-Israel think tank. She is also a senior adviser to the Chertoff Group, founded by Michael Chertoff, a Homeland Security secretary in the George W. Bush administration, and has worked with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. One of her specialties is combating extremists.


[The Washington Institute for Near East Policy was founded by AIPAC. Some information about Michael Chertoff is here. See this for information about FDD.]


“She has also worked with the pro-Israel community helping to raise money for Israel Bonds.


“Ravich does not require confirmation.


“Also Tuesday, Jeffrey Gunter, a dermatologist from Los Angeles, was nominated as the ambassador to Iceland. Gunter, a board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition, must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.”

Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.2785449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5560 >>5657

Feds: Utah biofuels company owners stole $511 million in IRS renewable energy credits


The owners of a Utah biofuels company fraudulently obtained $511 million in renewable energy tax credits, a federal grand jury indictment says.


Jacob Kingston, 42, Washakie Renewable Energy CEO, and his brother, Isaiah Kingston, 38, the chief financial officer, are held in the Weber County Jail for the U.S. Marshals Service.


The Kingstons and a California businessman, Lev Aslan Dermen, are charged with felony counts including money laundering and fraud.


Jacob Kingston used some of the money to buy a $3 million home in Sandy, and he and his brother together bought a million-dollar Bugatti Veyron sports car, the indictment said.


The Kingstons — sons of polygamist leader John Daniel Kingston — created Washakie in 2007 and the company built a huge biofuels production plant near Plymouth in Box Elder County.


In the new criminal indictment, prosecutors allege the Kingstons and Dermen falsified sales invoices and accounting records, plus production records, blending tickets, bills of lading and other paperwork routinely created in qualifying for renewable fuel transactions.


They rotated fuels between various places in the United States and elsewhere, including Panama, to make it appear that transactions involving the purchase and sale of feedstock and biofuels products were taking place, the indictment said.

Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.2785499   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So JC was trying to cover up.

IG and POTUS smelled a rat.

POTUS then does own interview.


POTUS IG find the rat and sack him.


IG gives details to Huber who writes up the indictment and seals it!



Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:33 a.m. No.2785614   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The imminent Idlib false flag: for an al-Qaeda break out, or something else?

Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:34 a.m. No.2785634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5644 >>5832 >>5889 >>5894

Russia: Unidentified Helicopters Delivering Weapons to Taliban, Islamic State in Afghanistan


Weapons in, drugs out.


Via: Russian Government / TASS:


Russia has recorded flights of unidentified helicopters delivering weapons to the Taliban (a movement outlawed in Russia) and the Islamic State (a terror group outlawed in Russia) units active in Afghanistan, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Thursday.


“We would like to once again point to the flights of unidentified helicopters in northern Afghanistan, which deliver weapons and ammunition to local ISIL [the former name of the Islamic State group – TASS] units and Taliban members cooperating with the group. In particular, the Afghan media and local residents say that such helicopters were seen in the Sar-e Pol Province,” the Russian diplomat said.


“This is happening in close proximity to the borders of Central Asian states, while many of the IS militants active in Afghanistan come from those countries,” Zakharova pointed out.


The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman also said that the Afghan security agencies, as well as the Command of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan, did not react to those helicopter flights. “In this regard, the question arises – who is behind these flights, who provides weapons to the terrorists and secretly creates springboards for them near the southern borders of the CIS and why is it happening at all, given NATO’s actual control of Afghanistan’s airspace,” Zakharova said.

Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:37 a.m. No.2785685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5739

Media Silent as Israeli Interference in the US Political System Continues to Surface


(AHT) — It is ironic that the Robert Mueller investigation into possible collusion between the Russian government and the Donald Trump campaign continues to turn up nothing while the evidence of Israeli interference in the U.S. political system continues to surface without any outrage being expressed by either the media or American politicians.


The most recent revelation concerns a payment of $10,000 given to former Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos in an Israeli hotel room in July 2017. A self-described Israeli businessman named Charles Tawil provided the money at the meeting, which was set up after Tawil flew to the Greek island Mykonos, where he met Papadopoulos and invited him to come to Israel to discuss some possible business relating to an oil and gas project in the Aegean Sea. Papadopoulos had met Tawil through an Israeli “political strategist” David Ha’ivri, who is a hard-line Israeli settler with close ties to the government of Benjamin Netanyahu. Papadopoulos agree to do so, leaving his wife Simona in Greece.


Papadopoulos took the money as a retainer and signed a contract for additional consulting services at $10,000 per month before he returned to Greece, where he gave the money to an attorney friend to hold. He shortly thereafter flew to Dulles International Airport near Washington, where he was arrested on May 27th and charged with giving false statements to the FBI. He was convicted in October and is due to be sentenced next week.


In an email, Ha’ivri explained how “We discussed potential consultancy work for business in the Aegean, Cyprus and Middle East focusing on business related to gas and petroleum infrastructure because of Charles’ network of contacts and George’s specialization. The retainer would go firstly to cover [George’s] needs as he said that he had financial problems.”

Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.2785745   🗄️.is 🔗kun





The close up shots made me suspicious. I've been trying to highlight the push for civil unrest by the cabal in Europe. It seems to be floundering

Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:47 a.m. No.2785807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5817 >>5832 >>5894 >>5980



BREAKING: Day After Ohr’s Testimony, Congress Seeks to Question His Wife


Numerous congressional sources are telling that after Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr’s explosive closed-door testimony on Tuesday, lawmakers are gearing up to call his wife, Nellie Ohr, in for questioning regarding her work with the now-embattled research firm, Fusion GPS. Congress is also seeking access to Bruce Ohr’s text messages and emails with top FBI officials.


Fusion GPS was founded by former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson and hired by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign to investigate alleged ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia.


Nellie Ohr, a Russia expert who was hired by Fusion GPS in 2016 to investigate the Trump campaign, received multiple large sum payments from the research firm, according to a U.S. official, with direct knowledge of the payments.


The payments from the DNC and Clinton campaign were made through the law firm Perkins Coie, which represented both clients. The research firm also hired former British spy Christopher Steele, who was friends with the Ohrs and who compiled the now infamous and unverified anti-Trump dossier. Steele was not only paid by Fusion GPS for his work but according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch, he was also being paid by the FBI from Jan. 1. 2016 to Nov. 1, 2016.


The U.S. official did not disclose the amount of money paid to Bruce Ohr’s wife through Simpson’s firm, but said it “was not chump change, that much I can say.”


The Washington Post first published in 2017 that the DNC and Clinton campaign paid for the research firm’s service to investigate the alleged Trump campaign’s ties with Russia. According to the Post, the Clinton campaign paid the law firm $5.6 million in legal fees from June 2015 to December 2016, according to campaign finance records. On top of that, the DNC paid Perkins Coie $3.6 million, which was labeled in their disclosures as “legal and compliance consulting” since November 2015. So far, Congress has not disclosed the exact amount that Fusion GPS, or those involved, received for the research.

Anonymous ID: 5a1f29 Aug. 29, 2018, 11:49 a.m. No.2785833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5894



WaPo Article Praises McCain as Human Rights Champion With Pic of Him Next to ‘Literal Neo-Nazi’


While praising the "human rights" record of John McCain, the Washington Post inadvertently revealed his support for neo-Nazis he put in power in Ukraine.