Anonymous ID: 0acc7e Aug. 29, 2018, 12:24 p.m. No.2786256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6293

The "muh russian bot" media frenzy has found its way to sweden. With election day coming up on september 9 this is a very convenient article mirroring what we have seen un the US for quite some time.


Description of parts of the article in english:


"Translated text"

-Comments by me





"FOI: army of bots that supports SD growing explosively"


"A growing army of bots - automized accounts - attacking islam, liberal political parties and established media, but loves SD."


"The final month before the election the number of bots have dubbled, warns the FOI. Who it is, controlling the false profiles and why they interfere with the swedish election the FOI do not know"


-SD is the one big political party standing out from the rest and is growing BIG. SD is Patriotic, not speaking in conventional politish, not just following hypes like gender studies, climate hysteria, etc etc. SD is of course accused of being racist, sexist, backwards etc. Recognize a pattern?


-They legitimize the claim with using the swedish military authority FOI, in english "Swedish Defence Research Agency" (Link below). Swedish people are extremely authority-oriented. Few people question anything coming from an authority and military research must be the most fail-safe entity to use for as few people as possible to question the info.


However, people are starting to wake up seeing through the bullshit and propaganda just as around the globe, which is reflected in peoples comms on twitter for example. Hence this push I believe.


Following in the article is some numbers, graphs etc. Also easily used to convince people of certain information. 'There was a graph, it must be true!'


The article continues in that way and finally concludes:


"Who is behind the bots have not been able to determined. The FOI emphasize the importance of the voters knowing about the problem since they expect the manipulative efforts to increse the coming week."


"-There is earlier research that show that manipulative efforts become less effective if the receiver is aware of the efforts. That these kinds of operations can be present, and the importance of not just trusting a source, is primarily what the voters should think about, says the researcher in charge Johan Fernquist."


  • But yet, they call on the voters to just thrust the source of FOI and Aftonbladet news site…

