Predatory Homosexuals and Radical Feminism
EXCELLENT HOMILY! About 20 minutes, very worth while!
Homily from Father Robert Altier 8.19/.18 Dropping Truth Bombs
Says may bring RICO charges against RCC and/or Grand Juries in every state.
Our faith is not in the clergy, it is in Jesus Christ!
Some of the items mentioned in the homily:
John Jay Study
One Reference given: The Homosexual Network: Private Lives and Public Policy by Father Enrique Rueda
States infiltration by Homosexuals to destroy the church began in 1924.
Couldn’t find an online version of the book, maybe someone with superior duckduckgo-fu can find it. However, did come across this interdasting book which references Rueda’s work, and more interdastingly, goes into the communist party and spy networks set up in MI5 and MI6, Cambridge, etc. And, included in the book of the spy ring are references to Victor Rothschild. Lots and lots of references.
Pics Related
Infiltration by the Communist Party
In the early 1950s, Mrs. Bella Dodd provided detailed explanations of the Communist subversion of the Church. Speaking as a former high ranking official of the American Communist Party, Mrs. Dodd said: "In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within." The idea was for these men to be ordained and progress to positions of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. She stated that: "Right now they are in the highest places in the Church" — where they were working to bring about change in order to weaken the Church's effectiveness against Communism
Don’t know when the page was published, but MccCarrick is mentioned:
At the April 23-24, 2002 extraordinary meeting of the Cardinals in the Vatican, which I traveled to Rome to cover, Chris Ferrara asked a key question that the panel dodged. At the final press conference, Ferrara asked the panel, "In page 2 of the Memorandum, (the Cardinals' final communiqué from the Vatican meeting) Item 3 acknowledges something that is important and long overdue: Nearly every single case has involved an adolescent and does not constitute a true case of pedophilia. So we're dealing with the acts of homosexual males who could not control their predilection. To avoid what would be a perpetual bumper crop of this type of scandal, is the hierarchy in North America going to enforce the Vatican's [1961] Instruction that homosexual males simply should not be ordained?"27
Cardinal Theodore McCarrick's answer was astounding. He said that "no bishop he knows" and "no seminary he knows" would accept an active homosexual.28
This is balderdash, and everyone knows it. It leads me to ask, what is Cardinal McCarrick's game? Is it incompetence or collusion? I personally know two young men who left a major East Coast seminary because, in their words, "it was not a seminary, it was a feminary."
DIGGABLE? One of the most disturbing of Mr. Brady's exposés is an international Internet chat-line of homosexual priests called "Saint Sebastian's Angels" comprising pornographic photographs and obscene language and conversations among homosexual Catholic clergymen.34
Additional Drop: Toward Soviet America
Saint Anons!