Anonymous ID: 4a2eb7 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:02 p.m. No.2785997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6058 >>6576

Japanese Companies Shift Manufacturing Operations Out of China Due to Sino-US Trade War

Anonymous ID: 4a2eb7 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:05 p.m. No.2786024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6058 >>6576

Idlib Militants Receive Large Batch Of Poisonous Chemicals With Help From White Helmets: Russian Military


On August 28th, a large supply of poisonous chemicals was delivered to the militants in Syria’s Idlib with the assistance of the White Helmets group in order to stage a chemical weapon provocation and blame the Syrian government, according to Russia’s Ministry of Defense.


Major-General Aleksey Tsygankov, head of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the opposing sides in Syria, said in a statement that the Russian military has received information from several sources in the Idlib Province that “a large supply of poisonous agents has been brought to the city of Saraqib on two trucks from the village of Afs.”


The chemicals were delivered to an arms depot, used by the militant group Ahrar al-Sham, “accompanied by the eight members of the White Helmets organization,” Tsygankov said adding the cargo was met by two high-ranking Ahrar al-Sham commanders.


“Later, a part of the load was put in unmarked plastic barrels and transported to another militant base in the southern Idlib in order to stage the use of chemical weapons and subsequently blame the government forces of employing poisonous substances against civilians,” the Ministry of Defense statement read.


Earlier, on August 26th, the Russian Ministry of Defense said that “foreign specialists” had arrived in Syria and may stage a chemical attack using chlorine in “the next two days.” RT cited the ministry as claiming that it will be filmed for international media to frame the Damascus forces.


Defense Ministry Spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said the operation is planned to unfold in the village of Kafr Zita in Syria’s northwestern Hama Province in “the next two days.” Konashenkov said that “English-speaking specialists” are already in place to use “poisonous agents.” In addition to that a group of residents from the north has been transported to Kafr Zita and is currently being prepared “to take part in the staging of the attack” and be filmed suffering from supposed “‘chemical munitions’ and ‘barrel bombs’ launched by the Syrian government forces.”


RT further cited the Ministry of Defense spokesman who said that the groups of residents will be used to assist “fake rescuers from the White Helmets.” They would be filmed and the footage would be shown to “the Middle Eastern and English-language media.”


The Russian Defense ministry warned that the US, UK and France would use the attack as a pretext for airstrikes against Syria.


Reinforcing that concern, the statement on August 28th commented on the deployment of USS Ross with 28 Tomahawk cruise missiles on board to the Mediterranean as well as the arrival of other US warships to the Persian Gulf and Qatar all of which were part of the preparations for the attack.


Even earlier, on August 23rd, PressTV cited Syria’s official news agency SANA, which quoted unnamed sources and local media, which reported that “the so-called rescue group has been particularly coordinating with terrorists from the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham Takfiri outfit, formerly known as al-Nusra Front.” The White Helmets had reportedly been witnessed doing unusual activities as information was being reported about militants were preparing to carry out a chemical attack in the areas between Jisr al-Shughur and the northeastern countryside of Latakia province in an attempt to hold Damascus responsible for the attack.


Previously, Washington warned that it would respond to chemical weapons used by “the Syrian regime” with retaliatory strikes. The strikes would supposedly be stronger than the ones conducted by the US, the UK and France in April, which also happened in retaliation to an alleged chemical attack.


The Douma attack in April was also reported by the White Helmets, who as reported by RT, are “an infamous Western-backed aid group that has been caught red-handed working with the terrorists and producing fakes to smear the Syrian government and its allies.”


NOTE: Russia is making it very clear they are watching closely

Anonymous ID: 4a2eb7 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.2786078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attorneys seek to hide from public names of people willing to post bail on 2nd attempt to bail Raniere; lawyers blame Frank Parlato for need for secrecy


A new filing in federal court seeks to hide from the public the names of ‘friends’ of alleged sex trafficker, and racketeer, Keith Alan Raniere, AKA Vanguard – who may be planning to cosign on a new bail application for him.


The Raniere-filing – dated August 28 – blames me primarily for the reason secrecy is required.


Written by Raniere attorneys, and in the form of a letter to the judge, it alleges that I will write about the individuals who seek to bail out Raniere in a way that might cause them harm.


I am named in the filing some 42 times.


While Raniere’s attorneys seek to shield the identities of the cosigners for Raniere’s bail bond from the public, they plan to disclose them privately to the court and the prosecution.


From this filing, it appears that a second attempt at bail – the first one was denied in June – will be made to try to persuade the court that Raniere – who faces life in prison – and with access to millions of dollars – will have the ‘moral suasion’ – if released – not to flee the jurisdiction – because his ‘friends’ are posting bail for him.


Personally, I suspect the true reason Raniere’s attorneys seek to shield from the public the names of people willing to cosign for him has little to do with me in fact.


I suspect the reason is these “friends” are:


A: NXIVM members who don’t have any money – and the disclosure of their names will lead to my own and other media scrutiny which might establish that these members may be using other people’s money – i.e. Bronfman money.


B: Semi-hidden NXIVM members – not coaches or proctors – but people aligned with NXIVM. These people – some of whom might own businesses – have a reputation in their communities – or have kept hidden from their families and friends their association with Raniere and NXVM. These, obviously, would not want it revealed publicly that they are associated with the cult that is associated with branding women and other alleged nefarious and sickening deeds.

Anonymous ID: 4a2eb7 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.2786098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK, EU May Fail to Finalize Brexit Deal by October Deadline - Brexit Secretary


LONDON (Sputnik) - Even though UK Prime Minister Theresa May previously expressed her commitment to meet the deadline, UK Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab admitted on Wednesday that Brussels and London may fail to coordinate the deal on UK's withdrawal from the European Union by the October deadline.


"It is important as we enter the final phase of the negotiations in the lead up to the October council and the possibility that it may creep beyond that, we want to see some renewed energy. We're bringing the ambition and the substance of our white paper on the future relationship and also, I think, some pragmatism to try and go the extra mile to get the deal that I think is in both sides interests," Raab said in the House of Lords.

Anonymous ID: 4a2eb7 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.2786128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6148 >>6154

Macron Declares War on Salvini-Orban Bloc, ‘I Am Their Chief Adversary’


French President Emmanuel Macron has declared war on the European populist bloc spearheaded by Matteo Salvini and Viktor Orbán, saying Wednesday that he is their “chief adversary.”


Following meetings in Milan Tuesday, the Italian interior minister and Hungarian prime minister jointly vowed to demolish the current European Union (EU) globalist structure led by Macron, replacing it with a model that respects the national sovereignty of EU countries.


“In Europe, Macron is at the head of the parties that support immigration, on the other side are we ourselves, but we want to stop illegal immigration,” Mr. Orbán declared Tuesday.


Matteo Salvini suggested that Mr. Macron should lead by example rather than lecturing other countries.


“We ask for collaboration from Macron — who spends his time giving lessons to foreign governments — by setting the example of opening Ventimiglia,” a border point between France and Italy currently closed to migrants.


“If he gives a good example,” Salvini said, “then we can also ask the Visegrád countries.”


The Visegrád Group — comprising Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia — has resisted immigration quotas imposed by Brussels, insisting that their own citizens have the right to receive migrants or not.


“I will not give anything away to the nationalists and those who defend hate speech,” Macron countered Wednesday in an interview on French television. “If they want to see me as their chief adversary, they are right.”


Going still further, Mr. Macron said that France is “an enemy of nationalism, of the politics of hatred, and of a Europe that must pay what is asked for and yet does not impose any form of responsibility or solidarity.”


“In the coming days and months we will have to make in-depth decisions to address the issue of migration,” Macron said. “This implies seriousness and a spirit of responsibility, remaining faithful to our values, such as the right to asylum, with a real policy governing relations between countries of origin and our own.”


Mr. Macron distanced himself from the Salvini-Orbán bloc, which has focused on reining in illegal immigration, saying that the two worldviews are diametrically opposed.


“This is not what Orbán and Salvini propose,” the French president said.


“A strong opposition is forming between nationalists and progressives” in Europe, noted Macron, who is currently traveling between Denmark and Finland in search of allies to forge a “progressive arc” of globalist nations against pro-sovereignty governments, according to reports.


Salvini was swift to respond to Macron Wednesday, assuring him that his real enemy are his own citizens.


“Macron’s chief adversary is the French people, at least according to surveys,” Mr. Salvini said.


“Rather than lecturing other governments, let him open up the French borders, beginning with Ventimiglia,” he said.


“And he should stop destabilizing Libya for economic interests,” Salvini added.

Anonymous ID: 4a2eb7 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:16 p.m. No.2786158   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Orbán, Salvini Set to Take On Globalism at EU Elections with Anti-Migration Front


Italy and Hungary announced they will form a populist front ahead of European Parliament elections next year, where they will challenge a bloc aligned with Emmanuel Macron, who this week outlined his vision for a globalised EU superstate which revolves around “human rights”.


The Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, and the Italian Interior Minister, Matteo Salvini, have said the two countries are “walking down the same path” ahead of next May’s elections, which are set to be a battleground on the issue of migration.


“European elections are coming. We have to change a lot of things,” said Orbán, speaking at a press conference after the pair met in Milan on Tuesday.


“There are two sides at the moment in Europe. One is led by Macron, who is supporting migration. The other one is supported by countries who want to protect their borders. Hungary and Italy belong to the latter.


“Hungary has shown that we can stop migrants on land. Salvini has shown migrants can be stopped at sea,” noted Orbán, whose government cut illegal immigration by more than 99 per cent after rolling out a series of powerful border fences, in defiance of talking points from liberal leaders claiming ‘walls don’t work’.


The Central European leader contrasted the migration policy stance of Brussels, shared by German Chancellor Angela Merkel as well as Socialist Spain and Macron’s France, of merely seeking “better management” of illegal immigration from the third world to that of the Visegrád nations, who demand the influx be stopped completely.


Anything other than the Visegrád stance would mean “the human smugglers have won” because “immigrants would keep coming in further waves”, he told the press conference, urging Europe send newcomers back rather than spreading them throughout the bloc.


“We must send migrants back to their countries. Brussels says we cannot do it. They also had said it was impossible to stop migrants on land, but we did it,” he said.


At the meeting with Salvini earlier in the day, Orbán praised his success in challenging the status quo on migration by refusing to allow migrant-laden NGO vessels dock at the country’s ports, telling the Italian leader: “Europe’s security hinges on your success.”


His assertion that mass migration poses a threat to Europeans, along with the Hungarian government’s crackdown on the activities of far left NGOs bankrolled by George Soros in his nation, place the Hungarian leader’s views in direct opposition to the position outlined by Macron on Monday, when he alleged that Europe’s existence rests on the bloc’s embrace of activists and ”human rights” as envisioned by liberals.


“Our security depends on the reaffirmation of our values, human rights which are at the very foundation, not only of the Council of Europe, but of the European Union, and the defence of all those who represent them every day — I think of non-governmental organisations, intellectuals, artists, activists, journalists,” he said, speaking at the Élysée Palace.


Speaking in Milan after his meeting with Orbán, Salvini told journalists: “We want to change Europe’s commission. We want to protect our borders. We are going to fight pro-migrant policies supported by Macron and Soros.”

Anonymous ID: 4a2eb7 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.2786244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6323

==STUNNING=Judge Dismisses 11 Counts of Child Abuse Against 3 New Mexico Compound Jihadists==


Muslim Siraj Ibn Wahhaj was arrested earlier this month at a terrorist compound in New Mexico.

Wahhaj was training children to commit mass shootings at US schools.


Siraj ibn Wahhaj is the son of a Brooklyn imam who was named as a possible co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.


New Mexico police entered a dangerous Islamist terrorist camp in New Mexico this month after they grew tired of FBI stalling.


The FBI refused to act. Instead the FBI told a neighbor to wear a hidden camera and risk his life by approaching an armed Islamist extremist compound.


New Mexico Judge Sarah Backus released the five Islamist defendants, Siraj Wahhaj, Hujrah Wahhaj, Subhannah Wahhaj, Jany Leveille, and Lucas Morten, on a $20,000 “signature bond.”


In making her decision to release the extremists, Judge Backus accused prosecutors of ‘anti-Muslim bias’ against the Islamic terror camp organizers.


Then we find out the Islamists were also plotting a massacre at an Atlanta hospital.



On Wednesday, a judge dismissed 11 counts of child abuse charges against 3 out of the 5 Islamic defendants because the state violated 10 day rule for preliminary hearing.


Kob4 reported:


District Judge Emilio Chavez made the decision just after noon Wednesday in regards to Lucas Morten, Hujrah Wahhaj, and Subhannah Wahhaj saying the prosecution failed to indict them within ten days of their first appearance in court.


Judge Chavez noted that the state can re-file charges based on new information at a later date.


Not only were the defendants training the young children to shoot up schools, the children were living in dire conditions.


The 11 children found on the compound were malnourished and dirty.


One of the defendants, Wahhaj, was accused of kidnapping his 3-year-old son from Georgia; the little boy’s remains were later found on the compound.


This story is developing….

Anonymous ID: 4a2eb7 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:34 p.m. No.2786389   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6421

US Rejects Russia's Data on Chemical Weapons Provocations in Syria - Lavrov


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday that it seemed the US had issued threats to Damascus in order to prevent the expulsion of terrorists from Idlib province.


According to Lavrov, Russia cited more and more facts that confirm the forthcoming staging of the use of chemical weapons as a false flag in order to blame the Syrian government.


US officials "say that this is not true, but they cannot bring any facts to the basis of their position," he added.


"There is an impression that this issue and the threats in this connection, which are made against the Syrian government, are being used for the sole purpose of preventing the expulsion of terrorists from the Idlib de-escalation zone. Probably, there is a certain desire behind it – it has been visible for several years already, starting with the Obama administration, when the United States wanted to get the Nusra Front* off the hook by any means, hoping to use it in the fight against, as they say, the regime," Lavrov told a press conference after talks with Saudi counterpart Adel Jubeir.


It is necessary to prepare an operation against terrorists in Syria's Idlib region, while minimizing the risks for the population, Lavrov added.


Russia is ready to cooperate with the US to resolve all problems in Syria, Libya and other countries in region, but Washington has shied away from it, Sergei Lavrov said.


"We advocate that all problems in this region and other regions of the world should be resolved collectively. We are open to cooperation with the United States and other Western countries, as well with the countries of the region to settle all the problems that exist there — in Syria, in Libya, in Iraq, as well as in Palestine," Lavrov told a press conference after talks with his Saudi counterpart Adel Jubeir.


The cabinet minister noted that Washington sought to change the Syrian government rather than fight terrorism, as it had done before, in Iraq and Libya.


Russia, alongside Iran and Turkey, is a guarantor of the ceasefire regime in Syria. Moscow has also been assisting Damascus both through supporting the struggle against terrorist groups and providing humanitarian aid to the residents of the crisis-torn country.


Idlib province is one of Syria's de-escalation zones and a remaining stronghold of insurgency in the country.


*Nusra Front is a terrorist group banned in Russia


NOTE: Really hope, but doubt, this is just a shell game to confuse the cabal

Anonymous ID: 4a2eb7 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:42 p.m. No.2786493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6515

ICE arrests in courtrooms escalate feud between California and Trump administration over immigration policy



Yovanny Ontiveros-Cebreros arrived at the Sacramento courthouse expecting to plead not guilty to felony drug charges and be allowed to go home. His attorney had said that was standard procedure.


Instead, an immigration agent approached the 38-year-old after his arraignment and put him in handcuffs, saying he was wanted for unlawful reentry into the United States.


With the Trump administration pushing for speedier deportations and hard-line immigration enforcement, California officials have tried to ensure that state courthouses — along with schools and hospitals — remain "safe zones” so that witnesses and crime victims, among others, won’t be afraid to come forward.


Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials maintain that making arrests in court in some ways is preferable because it provides a secure environment, where there’s no risk their target will be armed. ICE officials place the blame for more frequent arrests being made in courthouses on the policy meant to stop that from happening: California’s landmark "sanctuary” law.


While Ontiveros-Cebreros faced serious criminal charges, his arrest last week reignited protests from immigrant advocates as well as some judges.


California Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye, who has emerged as a leading critic of ICE’s courtroom presence, said in a statement Monday that the arrests were "disruptive, shortsighted, and counterproductive.… It is damaging to community safety and disrespects the state court system.”

Anonymous ID: 4a2eb7 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.2786556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6565 >>6598 >>6726



The illusion of a booming economy is vital so when the banks pull the economic plug it's clear it's them and not Trump. China Russia & Trump admin are using the staged 'trade war' to collapse the current system so they can extract the banking cabal and start with a gold backed system as was in place pre 1813