Anonymous ID: 5223dd Aug. 29, 2018, 1 p.m. No.2786714   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How does this work legally?


New Mexico authorities have executed a court order to destroy an encampment where the son of a famous New York Imam ritualistically murdered his three-year-old son and trained nearly a dozen other children to commit school shootings, according to Taos, NM prosecutors. The decision to raze the compound is the latest controversial development in the case, after New Mexico judge Sarah Backus on Monday ordered four out of five alleged Muslim extremists free on a $20,000 "signature bond" (meaning they didn't have to pay), including the suspect in his son's murder, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj.


D. On initiative of court. Not later than ten (10) days after entry of judgment the court of its own initiative may order a new trial for any reason for which it might have granted a new trial on motion of a party. After giving the parties notice and an opportunity to be heard on the matter, the court may grant a motion for a new trial, timely served, for a reason not stated in the motion. In either case, the court shall specify in the order the grounds therefor.

>Must have an evidentiary hearing within 10 days of filing and give trial date within that period

>The court failed to meet ANY of these requirements


These cases (including the two upcoming) will be dismissed due to the court being unable to meet the 10 day requirement.

Evidence already destroyed and no one willing to testify that a crime was committed.

Who wants to bet it was New Mexico judge Sarah Backus that gave the court order to destroy the compound (and evidence), then magically couldn’t find time in her schedule to fit in an evidentiary hearing?


Fucking corrupt judicial system actively working against the protection of American Citizens.