let's do a quick family tree (pay attention to surnames) -
Daniel Payseur (son of Louis & MA) & father of:
Jonas Payseur – father of:
Lewis Cass Payseur – father of:
Iola Madelyn Payseur – married to:
William Wharton Fulgham ←
Wharton name is probably most commonly known in association with Wharton School of Economics @ UPenn. (Trump, Ivanka etc. are alumnus, but so is mostly anyone coming from powerful families going into business)
Google "wharton fulgham" surname and you find an event notice from 2011 at Wharton Club D.C. where the keynote speaker is: Chad Fulgham, Chief Information Officer of the FBI
Digging more on Chad Fulgham, you find that he's worked in private industry sector at companies including: AT&T, IBM, Lehman, Lockheed, Morgan Stanley, Verizon (sound familiar re: Payseur family holdings, Comey $6mm, etc)
@ FBI he was responsible "for management of all FBI IT assets, which includes legacy equipment and infrastructure as well as evolving implementation of new and modernized systems and services"
also was involved with setting up Sentinel, their electronic case management system.
Could all be coincidence…yes.
Could be coincidence he was hired at the end of 2008, after Hussein had won.
Could be coincidence he was hired by ROBERT MUELLER.
PS -
>(also worth noting someone named Alex Christopher Bickle manages all of the genealogy pages for these people, some of which he's update within the last few weeks. he's a ghost online except for an IMDB page)