Anonymous ID: 8bd420 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:35 p.m. No.2786399   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>One of the biggest problems the bot system has is that it produces so much of the total number of posts, that it makes it to obvious which posts are important bot post. In other words, most human posts of the tier of this post get ZERO replies… so any post of low-quality, which nonetheless draws instant action, is 100% a bot post, as are the replies. It's very very obvious.


>that it produces so much of the total number of posts

<14 posts by this anon


>any post of low-quality, which nonetheless draws instant action

<like this one: >>2786300

>is 100% a bot post


>it's very very obvious

<very obvious


You heard the bot, anons, don't reply to the bots.