Anonymous ID: 984181 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.2786231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6253 >>6257 >>6260 >>6283 >>6297 >>6300 >>6326 >>6330 >>6358 >>6366 >>6377 >>6379 >>6424 >>6464 >>6526 >>6569


It never ceases to me amaze me that you guys still have not figured this out.

Q implemented a sustained hit on McCain from last Nov.

Calls him NoName. Hmmmm……..

We know that Hillary and Bill and the almost he entirety of the DNC has committed treason. WE have proof through the leaked e-mails, etc.

However, what we have on McCain (yes, I said his name) is nothing but negative innuendo.

Did he get shot down over VN? Yes.

Was he a POW? Yes

Was a he and other POWs tortured. yes

Was he tried and convicted of treason? No

Did Nixon pardon him? No

Did he go on to serve in and retire from the Navy? Yes

Did he meet with Syrian officials in 2011? Yes.

Did he hide it? No

Did he view Putin as an enemy? Yes. And I fucking agree!

Did he give the FBI the dossier?

If he did, did he know it was fake?

These and ore are questions we have to answer, anons.

Yea, it's a little uncomfortable, but they must be asked.

Why is McCain the only one out of ALL the truly bad actors the one to not be referenced by name?

Anonymous ID: 984181 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.2786306   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I've been right here, anon. What we have is open source. We have nothing that anyone else doesn't.

We do not have the "goods" on him. We think we do.

We don't.

Anonymous ID: 984181 Aug. 29, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.2786590   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Agreed on Forrestal He really fucked up as himsef has admitted.

I'm not sure as to the extent of his talking to VN captors. I'm just not clear on the specifics.

Nixon NEVER pardoned McCain. Never.

McCain wrote a confession to the VN that he was a war crimminal. He did this so he could get medical treatment for his broken arms and legs.

There is zero evidence that gave classified nfo to them.

All this "evidence" was generated during the 2008 campaign by who else? The DNC. For some reason the some alt-right claimed also.

Thanks for being the only one to actually engage rather than simply name call.